Script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs Continues

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This article is in continuation of Script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs. If you have landed here directly you might want to check the above article if the first script helps.
Anyways in this continuation article I am going to provide you the script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs in a scenario when you need to delete all the jobs except the default one “syspolicy_purge_history”.

Script to Delete All SQL Agent Jobs except the default one:
   SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view WHERE name <> 'syspolicy_purge_history' 
   OPEN c1
     PRINT 'No Job found! Please re-check LIKE operator.'
     WHILE @@fetch_status=0
       SET @SQLStatement= 'EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name =''' + @jobName + ''', @delete_unused_schedule=1' 
     --EXEC (@SQLStatement)   --Uncomment to Execute
       FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @jobName
   CLOSE c1

The result set will provide you with the SQL delete statements if you run the above query as is. All you need to do is copy the output and  execute them in the SSMS.

Sample result set as shown in the following screenshot:
Delete SQL Agent Jobs
Delete SQL Agent Jobs

There is another way to execute the query. You can directly delete the jobs without generating the delete statements. If you have little T-SQL knowledge you can modify the same query to do it. If you are an accidental DBA, no worries just remove the -- sign from the statement EXEC (@SQLStatement) and comment the statement PRINT(@SQLStatement). I have explained this already in the previous article so if you can refer that.

Now let’s talk about a scenario when you need to delete all sql agent jobs except the replication, mirroring, log shipping or except few jobs.
Yes, you got it right. All you need to do is modify the where condition. Let me show you an example of Deleting All SQL Agents Jobs except the replication ones. The below query shows example of jobs related to transaction replication and the default one “syspolicy_purge_history".

Script To Delete All SQL Agent Jobs Except Few:
   SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view WHERE name not in
,'Agent history clean up: distribution' 
,'Distribution clean up: distribution' 
,'Expired subscription clean up' 
,'INDSBLRHT0VR72-AdventureWorks2017-2' --Change the job name as per your environment
,'INDSBLRHT0VR72-AdventureWorks2017-Adven_Pub-2' --Change the job name as per your environment
,'INDSBLRHT0VR72-AdventureWorks2017-Adven_Pub-INDSBLRHT0VR72-5' --Change the job name as per your environment
,'Reinitialize subscriptions having data validation failures' 
,'Replication agents checkup' 
,'Replication monitoring refresher for distribution' 

   OPEN c1
     PRINT 'No Job found! Please re-check LIKE operator.'
     WHILE @@fetch_status=0
       SET @SQLStatement= 'EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name =''' + @jobName + ''', @delete_unused_schedule=1' 
     --EXEC (@SQLStatement)   --Uncomment to Execute
       FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @jobName
   CLOSE c1

Another way of achieving the same end result is using the first query and filter out the jobs from the result set.
Hope this helps. Feel free to leave your comments.
You also might find the below scripts useful:

Query To Retrieve All Permissions for a user in Selective databases
Script to Rename SQL Agent Jobs
Script to get SQL Cluster Failover Time and Node Name
Script to find the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution
List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases

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Script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs

This article is about a simple script to delete SQL Agent Jobs. Recently I had faced a situation when I had to remove more than 100 SQL Agent jobs.

First of all let me tell you that there may be different scenarios when you may need to delete all SQL Agent jobs, few of them or all except few required jobs etc. I have tried to include couple of queries in this article.

I had blog about renaming several SQL Agent jobs. All I have done is little modification in the query.

Script To Delete SQL Agent Jobs Having Particular Naming Convention
   SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view WHERE name LIKE '%DBA%' --Change the LIKE Operator as applicable
   OPEN c1
     PRINT 'No Job found! Please re-check LIKE operator.'
     WHILE @@fetch_status=0
       SET @SQLStatement= 'EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name =''' + @jobName + ''', @delete_unused_schedule=1' 
     --EXEC (@SQLStatement)   --Uncomment to Execute
       FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @jobName
   CLOSE c1


The following screenshot shows SQL Agent Jobs having naming convention like ‘1_DBA job Name’, ‘2_DBA job Name’ and so on. This is just for example, you may have different names in your environment.

Script to rename SQL Agent Jobs

Besides that there  is another way you can use this query. The result set will provide you with the SQL delete statements if you run the above query as is. Therefore all you need to do is copy the output and  execute them in the SSMS.

The following screen shot shows the result set:

Script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs
Now lets talk about the other way of using the query. If you uncomment the statement EXEC (@SQLStatement) and comment the PRINT(@SQLStatement) statement and then execute the query it will directly delete the jobs.

The output will not provide any sql statements as shown in the following screen shot. Therefore you should run the query this way only if you are pretty sure what you are doing.

Script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs
Script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs

Now lets see another scenario like when you need to delete all the jobs except the default one ‘syspolicy_purge_history’ job Click Next Page >>

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Uninstall SQL Server Components Continue

This is in continuation of Completely Uninstall SQL Server Components article. If you have not read that please click on the above like and then comeback to this page.

If msiinv.exe as mentioned in the first page works fine then it is good for you. Run the command once again and verify the output file.

PS C:\msiinv> .\msiinv.exe -s | Select-String "SQL Server" -Context 1,1 > C:\msiinv\msiinv_result2.txt

This time there should not be any SQL Components which you removed. If you see the components that means even msiinv.exe did not work. What is next?

You need to use Windows Installer CleanUp Utility. It is developed by Microsoft for Windows OS to resolve uninstallation problems of programs that use the Windows Installer technology. It wipes Invalid or corrupted entries from registry for the component.

There are many links available in the internet to download the tool. You can directly get it from here as well Windows CleanUp Utility

The utility displays a list of all the Windows Installer-based applications on the system as shown below:

Uninstall SQL Server

Select the component you want to uninstall and click on Remove:

Uninstall SQL Server

Note: Never Ever click on Select All. Tools are good until you make a mistake.

Here is the techNet article:


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Completely Uninstall SQL Server Components

In this article I am going to show you how to Completely Uninstall SQL Server Components which are left behind. In other words what to do if the regular uninstall process from Control Panel fails.
Even more, sometimes the control panel shows that the SQL component has been uninstalled. But when you try to reinstall, it fails again. And this is because of the left behind components.

There are many articles in the internet suggests to change registry entry. Modifying registry is always associated with risk. For me it didn’t work, may be because the registry was corrupted.

You need to use the MSI inventory tools to check and uninstall the components. I have made it available for you in the following link  Download

The original source is Download from One Drive

Once downloaded open Powershell and run the below command. In the below example I have downloaded the msiinv in D drive under msiinv folder. Please put valid paths and then run the command. This will create the out put file with all the GUID of the SQL Components.

PS D:\msiinv> .\msiinv.exe -s | Select-String "SQL Server" -Context 1,1 > D:\msiinv\msiinv_result1.txt

If the execution is successful it will go to the prompt again as shown below:

Uninstall SQL Server

The result set will look like as below:

Uninstall SQL Server

You can find out the components you want to remove and note the product code from the file.
Execute the below command in PowerShell to uninstall the component.

 msiexec /x "{6BD8D100-B16C-409E-B0EA-BF508D7874EC}"
This will ask for final confirmation:

Uninstall SQL Server

If you are not comfortable with PowerShell or facing issues, then you can use command prompt to use the msiinv tool as shown below:

Command to execute is as follows:
msiinv.exe -p > D:\msiinv\msiinv_result1.txt

Uninstall SQL Server

The output file will have all the Windows components and not only SQL Server. You have to search through the file for SQL Server and use the same command as shown above to Uninstall SQL Server.

Sample file:

Uninstall SQL Server

Continue Reading>>

Thanks to the following post:

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Retrieve all permissions for a user in all user databases

The below query is to retrieve all permissions for a user in all user databases. You can either
copy the code or directly download from the link given below the code.

DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(50)   

FROM master.sys.databases
WHERE name NOT IN ('master','msdb','model','tempdb') 
AND state_desc='online' 
OPEN db_cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  

SELECT @statement = 'use ['+@dbname +'];'+ 'SELECT

 ServerName=@@servername, dbname=db_name(db_id()), as UserName, p.type_desc as TypeOfLogin, as PermissionLevel, pp.type_desc as TypeOfRole 

FROM sys.database_role_members roles

JOIN sys.database_principals p ON roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_id

JOIN sys.database_principals pp ON roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_id
where''Test_User''' -- Change the user name

EXEC sp_executesql @statement

FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  
CLOSE db_cursor  
DEALLOCATE db_cursor
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Query To Retrieve All Permissions For a User in Selective databases:

If you have directly landed here please read the article to understand what the query is for. The article also describes in what all scenarios you can use the query. Additionally please feel free to tweak it as per your requirement.

Query To Retrieve All Permissions For a User in Selective databases:
DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(50)   

FROM master.sys.databases
WHERE name IN ('database1','database2') --Obviously you’ll put your database names 
AND state_desc='online' 
OPEN db_cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  

SELECT @statement = 'use ['+@dbname +'];'+ 'SELECT

ServerName=@@servername, dbname=db_name(db_id()), as UserName, p.type_desc as TypeOfLogin, as PermissionLevel, pp.type_desc as TypeOfRole

FROM sys.database_role_members roles

JOIN sys.database_principals p ON roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_id

JOIN sys.database_principals pp ON roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_id
where =''Test_User'''  --The user you want to find permissions for

EXEC sp_executesql @statement

FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  
CLOSE db_cursor  
DEALLOCATE db_cursor


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Script To Provide Database Restore Report

This article is about a script to provide database restore report for all or selective databases.

How many of you got requests to restore database from one environment to other? Yeah, I know it is one of those common activities in day to day life of a DBA. If I ask how many of you had to provide a restore report of a single database? There will be many of you have an assertive answer.

But one of the not so common request is to provide restore report of all databases. Here I am going to provide the queries to pull restore report of all and selective databases. First of all lets see the restore report of all the databases.

Furthermore the result set is more useful if you get the following fields: Source Instance, Destination Instance, Source Database Name, Destination Database Name, Restore Type, Restore Date, the login id/user name who performed the restore and the backup file name used in the restore.

Note: I have commented out few fields in the query which are not so important in all situations. You may need to uncomment them as per your requirement.

Query to provide database restore report of all databases
SELECT mb.server_name AS SourceSQLInstance, @@servername AS DestinationSQLInstance, 
mb.database_name AS SourceDatabaseName,
rh.destination_database_name AS DestinationDatabaseName, rh.restore_date AS RestoreDate, 
CASE WHEN rh.restore_type='D' THEN 'FULL'
     WHEN rh.restore_type='L' THEN 'Log'
     WHEN rh.restore_type='I' THEN 'Differential'
END AS RestoreType,
rh.[user_name], bf.physical_device_name AS BackupFileName
FROM msdb..[restorehistory] rh
INNER JOIN master.sys.databases sd
ON rh.destination_database_name =
INNER JOIN msdb..backupset mb
ON rh.backup_set_id=mb.backup_set_id
INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily bf
ON mb.backup_set_id=bf.media_set_id
ORDER BY restore_date DESC
The sample result set:Script to provide database restore report

Most noteworthy field in the above result set is backup file name. The complete path with the file name shown is the location where backup was taken and not the path from where the restore files was picked. In other words if you take a backup on X location and then copy the backup file to Y location and restore process picked the file from Y location the result set will show the X location. Hope I am clear enough.

Query to provide database restore report of single or few databases
SELECT mb.server_name AS SourceSQLInstance, @@servername AS DestinationSQLInstance, 
mb.database_name AS SourceDatabaseName,
rh.destination_database_name AS DestinationDatabaseName, rh.restore_date AS RestoreDate, 
CASE WHEN rh.restore_type='D' THEN 'FULL'
     WHEN rh.restore_type='L' THEN 'Log'
     WHEN rh.restore_type='I' THEN 'Differential'
END AS RestoreType,
rh.[user_name], bf.physical_device_name AS BackupFileName
FROM msdb..[restorehistory] rh
INNER JOIN master.sys.databases sd
ON rh.destination_database_name =
INNER JOIN msdb..backupset mb
ON rh.backup_set_id=mb.backup_set_id
INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily bf
ON mb.backup_set_id=bf.media_set_id
WHERE rh.destination_database_name IN ('Test_4','Test_restore')  --Put the database names
ORDER BY restore_date DESC
Result Set:
Script To Provide Database Restore Report

Hope this is helpful. Please feel free to let me know your thoughts by leaving your comments below.
You may like the below articles as well:

Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000
List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases
Script to Rename SQL Agent Jobs
Script to find the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution
List of Users with db_owner Role in All Databases

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Script to Rename SQL Agent Jobs

This article is about a script to Rename SQL Agent Jobs. First of all let me tell you the requirement.

The environment had a dedicated database for DBA’s which is used for several database maintenance and hence had a bunch of SQL Agent jobs associated. I am sure some of you also have similar setup.

Project team came up with an updated version. As a result in the upgrade process we had to rename all the jobs. I am sure you don’t wanna do it manually for each instance. Especially if you have more than 100 instances 🙂

The below queries will help in following conditions:
  • Rename SQL Agent Jobs having particular naming convention
  • Change the name of SQL Agent Jobs by removing first few characters

Note: The queries can not be fully generic and needs to be customized as per your environment. Basically depends upon the job name.

Query to Rename SQL Agent Jobs having particular naming conventions:

The below example shows job names having names like ‘1_DBA job Name’, ‘2_DBA job Name’, to ‘9_DBA job Name’. Please make the necessary changes as per your environment as provided in the comments.

Script to rename SQL Agent Jobs

   SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view WHERE name LIKE '%_DBA%'  --Change the LIKE operator
   OPEN c1
     PRINT 'No Job found! Please re-check LIKE operator.'
     WHILE @@fetch_status=0
       SET @SQLStatement= 'EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_name =''' + @jobName + ''', @new_name =''OLD_' +@jobName +''''
     --EXEC (@SQLStatement)   --Uncomment to Execute
       FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @jobName
   CLOSE c1
OutPut will produce set of statements:

Rename SQL Agent Jobs

The result set is for you to verify the way you want to rename the jobs. Once verified either you execute the statements  Or you can uncomment the statement EXEC (@SQLStatement) in the above code and execute.

Screenshot showing the renamed jobs:

Query to rename SQL Agent jobs

Rollback query for the above changes:

The same script can be taken as reference to rename SQL Agent Jobs by removing first few characters.

   SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view WHERE name LIKE 'OLD_%' 
   OPEN c1
   FETCH next FROM c1 INTO @jobName
     PRINT 'No Job found! Please re-check LIKE operator.'
   WHILE @@fetch_status=0
       SELECT @jobName1 = SUBSTRING(@jobName,5,LEN(@jobName)) --Second parameter may need change as per the job name
       SET @SQLStatement= 'EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_name =''' + @jobName + ''', @new_name =''' +@jobName1 +''''
       EXEC (@SQLStatement)
           FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @jobName
   CLOSE c1

Hope this is helpful. Furthermore you are most welcome to tweak the queries as per your requirement. I am open to feedback therefore please feel free to comment.
In addition you may also like the below queries:

List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases
Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000
Script to find the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution
Script to retrieve database backup information
Script to get SQL Cluster Failover Time and Node Name

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Synchronous Database Mirroring Misconceptions

This article is about the Synchronous Database Mirroring misconceptions. Synchronous is one of the operating modes of SQL Database Mirroring also known as High Safety mode; High Safety of transactions in case of failover.

Let’s see what Microsoft TechNet says:

When the session begins, the principal server begins sending its active log to the mirror server. The mirror server writes all of the incoming log records to disk as quickly as possible. As soon as all of the received log records have been written to disk, the databases are synchronized. As long as the partners remain in communication, the databases remain synchronized.
After synchronization finishes, every transaction committed on the principal database is also committed on the mirror server, guaranteeing protection of the data. This is achieved by waiting to commit a transaction on the principal database, until the principal server receives a message from the mirror server stating that it has hardened the transaction’s log to disk. Note the wait for this message increases the latency of the transaction.

The common misconceptions/confusions are as follows:
  1. Principal server first commits the transaction and then sends log records to the mirror and wait until mirror server writes the same to the database.
  2. Principal sends its log to the mirror and once it commits in mirror then only it commits in principal.

If you know what happens during commit, it is a bit easier. Commit does not mean the transaction is written to the database (data file). When you commit a transaction SQL Server writes it to the log file on the disk, in other words it hardens the log. This confirms the durability of the transaction.

Let’s take an example of the following transaction:

Begin Tran

Statement 1

Statement 2


SQL Server writes the log records in the log file of principal database as per normal process of logging. Mirror server follow the same.

When the application fires a commit statement, Synchronous Database Mirroring mechanism has to confirm, mirror server has written all the log records related to the transaction before sending confirmation to the application.

So, from above example transaction, It is possible that SQL Server has already written the Begin Tran and Statement 1  to the log in principal and mirror server.

The following diagram depicts the same:

Synchronous Database Mirroring

Now lets see what happens when application fires a Commit Tran:
    1. Principal server receives the commit transaction from client.
    2. The principal server writes the log records for the transaction to the log file and sends the log records to the mirror server at the same time as shown below.Synchronous Database MirrorringNote: Principal Server has written the log records to the log file. So one of the misconception is cleared here. Principal Server does not wait for acknowledgement from mirror to commit the transaction.
    3. Principal server completes the I/O  but it cannot send the confirmation to the client at this point.
    4. The mirror server hardens the log in disk.
    5. I/O on the mirror server completes.
    6. Returns an acknowledgement to the principal server.
    7. On receiving the acknowledgement from the mirror server, the principal server sends a confirmation/Acknowledgement to the client.

The following diagram shows the complete cycle:

Synchronous Database Mirroring

Note: The misconception, Principal Server waits until Mirror Server writes the transactions to the mirror database is not true. Synchronous database mirroring confirms that the Mirror writes the log records  to the log file and not data file, before sending acknowledgement, hence even if the principal crashes after that, all the log records of the committed transactions are durable and mirror can take over the role of principal. And that is why it is also know as High Safety Mode.

The mirror server continuously writes data to mirror database from redo queue. In Asynchronous mirroring the Principal Server does not wait for the Acknowledgment from the mirror.

I hope this clears few misconceptions or confusions of Synchronous database mirroring. Please let me know if you have any questions.

You may like the following articles as well:

Myth around Remote Query Timeout Option
Remove or Delete Tempdb data file without restarting SQL Server
Fact about Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC)
SSRS Encryption Key Backup Information
SQL Database Restore using NetBackup

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Issues with Uninstall OLE DB Provider for DB2

After reading this article you’ll be able to fix if standard method of uninstall OLE DB Provider for DB2 does not work. The requirement was to upgrade OLE DB provider for DB2 from version 3.0 to version 5.0. As per Microsoft Document you cannot upgrade OLE DB Provider for DB2 without uninstall of prior versions.

The following instructions are listed in Microsoft Document named “Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 Version 5.0

Upgrade from Previous Version

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 V 5.0 does not upgrade previous releases. If you have the following previous versions installed, then you must remove them prior to installing the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 V 5.0.”

To uninstall the product

You can use Windows Programs and Features to remove the product.

  1. Click Control Panel, click Programs, and then click Programs and Features. The Uninstall or change a program dialog appears.
  2. In the Name list, double click Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 Version 5.0. The Data Provider Installation Wizard appears.
  3. Click Next to get started.
  4. On the Program Maintenance dialog, click Remove.
  5. On the Remove the Program dialog, click Remove.
  6. When prompted by Windows User Account Control, click Yes.
  7. On the Completion page, click Finish

This works in ideal condition. Uninstall of OLE DB Provider for DB2 does not always go well and throw weird error messages. The Uninstall may fail due to different reasons like existing DB2 version was not properly installed, someone deleted some of the MSI files or the registry corruption etc.

One of the error message looks like as follows:

MSI (s) (78:64) [21:44:40:923]: Note: 1: 1725
MSI (s) (78:64) [21:44:40:923]: Product: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 -- Removal failed.
MSI (s) (78:64) [21:44:40:923]: Windows Installer removed the product; Product Name: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 Product Version: 8.0.4294.0. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer:Microsoft.Removal success or error status: 1603

As I mentioned earlier the error messages are strange and generic and googling did not help to resolve this particular issue. After this article it may help though 😉
In our case what worked was voiding the existing version of DB2 by changing the registry settings.
Please be careful and make sure to take a backup of your registry settings before following the below mentioned steps.

Steps to Rename The Registry Settings For Existing Version of DB2:
  • Go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Sna Server and rename “Sna Server” to “_Sna Server” as shown in the following screen shot:

Uninstall OLE DB Provider for DB2

Similarly make the following changes:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\_Host Integration Server
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\ _Sna Server
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\ _Host Integration Server
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\_00FAC227E6ED834428ED6E468B6B22B2
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\ _00FAC227E6ED834428ED6E468B6B22B2
  • Than go to the Program Files Directory and for the Microsoft OLEDB Driver for DB2 and just put an (Underscore) in front of the directory name.

You may be thinking why only (Underscore), you can put anything meaningful like “DB2V3_Old”. It’ll work, but if you put symbol it’ll appear at the top and easy to identify what you have changed or for future reference.

I am leaving that decision up to you. The below screen shot shows how it looks in the registry after renaming:

Uninstall OLE DB Provider for DB2

Once you are done with all the changes your new install should work.

Programs and features looks like both the versions stays happily:

Uninstall OLE DB provider for DB2

You also like to know How to Download OLE DB Provider for DB2

SQL Database Restore using NetBackup
SSRS Encryption Key Backup Information
Remove or Delete Tempdb data file without restarting SQL Server
How to Fix if All logins get deleted due to Trigger Execution
Myth around Remote Query Timeout Option

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