Tag: T-SQL Script

Script To List SQL Agent Jobs and Schedules

This article is to keep a handy script to list SQL Agent Jobs and Schedules. In the previous article I had provided  a script to change the job schedule. This script may be very next one you need.

Once we changed the job schedules in all SQL Servers in the environment, we needed a script to verify. There are many scripts available in the net. Hence I kind of tweaked one of the script. It’s been long time and hence not able to provide the original source.

Note:Please change the Job Names in the Where clause of the query to verify the job schedule of the jobs you made changes to.

Query to get list of jobs in sql server with schedules
SELECT	 [JobName] = [jobs].[name]
		,[Enabled] = CASE [jobs].[enabled] WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END
		,[Scheduled] = CASE [schedule].[enabled] WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END
		,[Occurs] = 
				CASE [schedule].[freq_type]
					WHEN   1 THEN 'Once'
					WHEN   4 THEN 'Daily'
					WHEN   8 THEN 'Weekly'
					WHEN  16 THEN 'Monthly'
					WHEN  32 THEN 'Monthly relative'
					WHEN  64 THEN 'When SQL Server Agent starts'
					WHEN 128 THEN 'Start whenever the CPU(s) become idle' 
					ELSE ''
		,[Occurs_detail] = 
				CASE [schedule].[freq_type]
					WHEN   1 THEN 'O'
					WHEN   4 THEN 'Every ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, [schedule].[freq_interval]) + ' day(s)'
					WHEN   8 THEN 'Every ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, [schedule].[freq_recurrence_factor]) + ' weeks(s) on ' + 
							CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] &  1 =  1 THEN 'Sunday, '    ELSE '' END + 
							CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] &  2 =  2 THEN 'Monday, '    ELSE '' END + 
							CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] &  4 =  4 THEN 'Tuesday, '   ELSE '' END + 
							CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] &  8 =  8 THEN 'Wednesday, ' ELSE '' END + 
							CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] & 16 = 16 THEN 'Thursday, '  ELSE '' END + 
							CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] & 32 = 32 THEN 'Friday, '    ELSE '' END + 
							CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] & 64 = 64 THEN 'Saturday, '  ELSE '' END , 
								CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] &  1 =  1 THEN 'Sunday, '    ELSE '' END + 
								CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] &  2 =  2 THEN 'Monday, '    ELSE '' END + 
								CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] &  4 =  4 THEN 'Tuesday, '   ELSE '' END + 
								CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] &  8 =  8 THEN 'Wednesday, ' ELSE '' END + 
								CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] & 16 = 16 THEN 'Thursday, '  ELSE '' END + 
								CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] & 32 = 32 THEN 'Friday, '    ELSE '' END + 
								CASE WHEN [schedule].[freq_interval] & 64 = 64 THEN 'Saturday, '  ELSE '' END 
							) - 1
					WHEN  16 THEN 'Day ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, [schedule].[freq_interval]) + ' of every ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, [schedule].[freq_recurrence_factor]) + ' month(s)'
					WHEN  32 THEN 'The ' + 
							CASE [schedule].[freq_relative_interval]
								WHEN  1 THEN 'First'
								WHEN  2 THEN 'Second'
								WHEN  4 THEN 'Third'
								WHEN  8 THEN 'Fourth'
								WHEN 16 THEN 'Last' 
							END +
							CASE [schedule].[freq_interval]
								WHEN  1 THEN ' Sunday'
								WHEN  2 THEN ' Monday'
								WHEN  3 THEN ' Tuesday'
								WHEN  4 THEN ' Wednesday'
								WHEN  5 THEN ' Thursday'
								WHEN  6 THEN ' Friday'
								WHEN  7 THEN ' Saturday'
								WHEN  8 THEN ' Day'
								WHEN  9 THEN ' Weekday'
								WHEN 10 THEN ' Weekend Day' 
							END + ' of every ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, [schedule].[freq_recurrence_factor]) + ' month(s)' 
					ELSE ''
		,[Frequency] = 
				CASE [schedule].[freq_subday_type]
					WHEN 1 THEN 'Occurs once at ' + 
								STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), [schedule].[active_start_time]), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':')
					WHEN 2 THEN 'Occurs every ' + 
								CONVERT(VARCHAR, [schedule].[freq_subday_interval]) + ' Seconds(s) between ' + 
								STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), [schedule].[active_start_time]), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':') + ' and ' + 
								STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), [schedule].[active_end_time]), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':')
					WHEN 4 THEN 'Occurs every ' + 
								CONVERT(VARCHAR, [schedule].[freq_subday_interval]) + ' Minute(s) between ' + 
								STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), [schedule].[active_start_time]), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':') + ' and ' + 
								STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), [schedule].[active_end_time]), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':')
					WHEN 8 THEN 'Occurs every ' + 
								CONVERT(VARCHAR, [schedule].[freq_subday_interval]) + ' Hour(s) between ' + 
								STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), [schedule].[active_start_time]), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':') + ' and ' + 
								STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), [schedule].[active_end_time]), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':')
					ELSE ''
FROM	 [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] AS [jobs] WITh(NOLOCK) 
		 LEFT OUTER JOIN [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobschedules] AS [jobschedule] WITh(NOLOCK) 
				 ON [jobs].[job_id] = [jobschedule].[job_id] 
		 LEFT OUTER JOIN [msdb].[dbo].[sysschedules] AS [schedule] WITh(NOLOCK) 
				 ON [jobschedule].[schedule_id] = [schedule].[schedule_id] 
		where [jobs].[name] in ('1_DBA job Name', '11_DBA job Name') -- Change the job names or add/remove as applicable

Again please change the values for Where clause. I know it is a long query hence mentioning it again.

The OutPut of the above query

List SQL Agent Jobs And Schedules
The query provides details on how the jobs are scheduled. If you want to to list the schedules of all the SQL Agent Jobs then just remove the where clause.

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Script to Change SQL Agent Job Schedule

This article is about a simple script to change sql agent job schedule. Now most you may be thinking why do you need a script while you can change it through SSMS.

But if you get an issue like sql server agent job is not running as per standard schedule. And the issue is on 100s of SQL Instances, you definitely prefer a query to do it on one shot.

Now let me tell you what made me develop this simple query which helped big time. Someone ran a script to create DBA maintenance job automatically.

Of course all went well until we realized two jobs were running thrice a week. The maintenance jobs should run on weekends only and hence the below query helps achieving the same.
You can use SQL Server’s Central Management Server (CMS) to execute the query in all SQL Instances at one shot.

Alter SQL Job Schedule Using Script

NOTE: Please don’t copy paste the query and run without reading the comments. You need to change few parameter values as per your requirements.

The below query is an example to change the job schedule of the SQL Agent Job “1_DBA job Name” to run Weekly Once on Saturday.


SELECT @schid = sjc.schedule_id
FROM msdb..sysjobs AS sjob
INNER JOIN msdb..sysjobschedules AS sjc ON sjob.job_id = sjc.job_id
INNER JOIN msdb..sysschedules AS sch ON sjc.schedule_id = sch.schedule_id
WHERE sjob.name = '1_DBA job Name' -- Change The Job Name

EXEC msdb..sp_update_schedule @schedule_id = @schid
	,@freq_type = 8  --The value indicates when a job is to be executed. Refer Table_1
	,@freq_interval = 64 -- Refer Table_2 below and change it as per your requirement
freq_type: The value indicates frequency of a job is to be executed
Script to Change SQL Agent Job Schedule

freq_interval: The days that a job will execute.

Script to Change SQL Agent Job Schedule

Please refer the Microsoft article Microsoft Documentation to understand and use different schedule options.
If you have some basic T-SQL knowledge you must be thinking this could have been achieved just by running sp_update_schedule. Well that is true if you have unique schedule name for the SQL Agent Job you are trying to change the schedule. If not this simple query will help.

The very next step would be to verify the changes you just made. Here is a script to achieve the same.>>Continue

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Script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs Continues

<< Previous
This article is in continuation of Script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs. If you have landed here directly you might want to check the above article if the first script helps.
Anyways in this continuation article I am going to provide you the script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs in a scenario when you need to delete all the jobs except the default one “syspolicy_purge_history”.

Script to Delete All SQL Agent Jobs except the default one:
   SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view WHERE name <> 'syspolicy_purge_history' 
   OPEN c1
     PRINT 'No Job found! Please re-check LIKE operator.'
     WHILE @@fetch_status=0
       SET @SQLStatement= 'EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name =''' + @jobName + ''', @delete_unused_schedule=1' 
     --EXEC (@SQLStatement)   --Uncomment to Execute
       FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @jobName
   CLOSE c1

The result set will provide you with the SQL delete statements if you run the above query as is. All you need to do is copy the output and  execute them in the SSMS.

Sample result set as shown in the following screenshot:
Delete SQL Agent Jobs
Delete SQL Agent Jobs

There is another way to execute the query. You can directly delete the jobs without generating the delete statements. If you have little T-SQL knowledge you can modify the same query to do it. If you are an accidental DBA, no worries just remove the -- sign from the statement EXEC (@SQLStatement) and comment the statement PRINT(@SQLStatement). I have explained this already in the previous article so if you can refer that.

Now let’s talk about a scenario when you need to delete all sql agent jobs except the replication, mirroring, log shipping or except few jobs.
Yes, you got it right. All you need to do is modify the where condition. Let me show you an example of Deleting All SQL Agents Jobs except the replication ones. The below query shows example of jobs related to transaction replication and the default one “syspolicy_purge_history".

Script To Delete All SQL Agent Jobs Except Few:
   SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view WHERE name not in
,'Agent history clean up: distribution' 
,'Distribution clean up: distribution' 
,'Expired subscription clean up' 
,'INDSBLRHT0VR72-AdventureWorks2017-2' --Change the job name as per your environment
,'INDSBLRHT0VR72-AdventureWorks2017-Adven_Pub-2' --Change the job name as per your environment
,'INDSBLRHT0VR72-AdventureWorks2017-Adven_Pub-INDSBLRHT0VR72-5' --Change the job name as per your environment
,'Reinitialize subscriptions having data validation failures' 
,'Replication agents checkup' 
,'Replication monitoring refresher for distribution' 

   OPEN c1
     PRINT 'No Job found! Please re-check LIKE operator.'
     WHILE @@fetch_status=0
       SET @SQLStatement= 'EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name =''' + @jobName + ''', @delete_unused_schedule=1' 
     --EXEC (@SQLStatement)   --Uncomment to Execute
       FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @jobName
   CLOSE c1

Another way of achieving the same end result is using the first query and filter out the jobs from the result set.
Hope this helps. Feel free to leave your comments.
You also might find the below scripts useful:

Query To Retrieve All Permissions for a user in Selective databases
Script to Rename SQL Agent Jobs
Script to get SQL Cluster Failover Time and Node Name
Script to find the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution
List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases

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Script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs

This article is about a simple script to delete SQL Agent Jobs. Recently I had faced a situation when I had to remove more than 100 SQL Agent jobs.

First of all let me tell you that there may be different scenarios when you may need to delete all SQL Agent jobs, few of them or all except few required jobs etc. I have tried to include couple of queries in this article.

I had blog about renaming several SQL Agent jobs. All I have done is little modification in the query.

Script To Delete SQL Agent Jobs Having Particular Naming Convention
   SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view WHERE name LIKE '%DBA%' --Change the LIKE Operator as applicable
   OPEN c1
     PRINT 'No Job found! Please re-check LIKE operator.'
     WHILE @@fetch_status=0
       SET @SQLStatement= 'EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name =''' + @jobName + ''', @delete_unused_schedule=1' 
     --EXEC (@SQLStatement)   --Uncomment to Execute
       FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @jobName
   CLOSE c1


The following screenshot shows SQL Agent Jobs having naming convention like ‘1_DBA job Name’, ‘2_DBA job Name’ and so on. This is just for example, you may have different names in your environment.

Script to rename SQL Agent Jobs

Besides that there  is another way you can use this query. The result set will provide you with the SQL delete statements if you run the above query as is. Therefore all you need to do is copy the output and  execute them in the SSMS.

The following screen shot shows the result set:

Script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs
Now lets talk about the other way of using the query. If you uncomment the statement EXEC (@SQLStatement) and comment the PRINT(@SQLStatement) statement and then execute the query it will directly delete the jobs.

The output will not provide any sql statements as shown in the following screen shot. Therefore you should run the query this way only if you are pretty sure what you are doing.

Script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs
Script to Delete SQL Agent Jobs

Now lets see another scenario like when you need to delete all the jobs except the default one ‘syspolicy_purge_history’ job Click Next Page >>

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Script To Provide Database Restore Report

This article is about a script to provide database restore report for all or selective databases.

How many of you got requests to restore database from one environment to other? Yeah, I know it is one of those common activities in day to day life of a DBA. If I ask how many of you had to provide a restore report of a single database? There will be many of you have an assertive answer.

But one of the not so common request is to provide restore report of all databases. Here I am going to provide the queries to pull restore report of all and selective databases. First of all lets see the restore report of all the databases.

Furthermore the result set is more useful if you get the following fields: Source Instance, Destination Instance, Source Database Name, Destination Database Name, Restore Type, Restore Date, the login id/user name who performed the restore and the backup file name used in the restore.

Note: I have commented out few fields in the query which are not so important in all situations. You may need to uncomment them as per your requirement.

Query to provide database restore report of all databases
SELECT mb.server_name AS SourceSQLInstance, @@servername AS DestinationSQLInstance, 
mb.database_name AS SourceDatabaseName,
rh.destination_database_name AS DestinationDatabaseName, rh.restore_date AS RestoreDate, 
CASE WHEN rh.restore_type='D' THEN 'FULL'
     WHEN rh.restore_type='L' THEN 'Log'
     WHEN rh.restore_type='I' THEN 'Differential'
END AS RestoreType,
rh.[user_name], bf.physical_device_name AS BackupFileName
FROM msdb..[restorehistory] rh
INNER JOIN master.sys.databases sd
ON rh.destination_database_name = sd.name
INNER JOIN msdb..backupset mb
ON rh.backup_set_id=mb.backup_set_id
INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily bf
ON mb.backup_set_id=bf.media_set_id
ORDER BY restore_date DESC
The sample result set:Script to provide database restore report

Most noteworthy field in the above result set is backup file name. The complete path with the file name shown is the location where backup was taken and not the path from where the restore files was picked. In other words if you take a backup on X location and then copy the backup file to Y location and restore process picked the file from Y location the result set will show the X location. Hope I am clear enough.

Query to provide database restore report of single or few databases
SELECT mb.server_name AS SourceSQLInstance, @@servername AS DestinationSQLInstance, 
mb.database_name AS SourceDatabaseName,
rh.destination_database_name AS DestinationDatabaseName, rh.restore_date AS RestoreDate, 
CASE WHEN rh.restore_type='D' THEN 'FULL'
     WHEN rh.restore_type='L' THEN 'Log'
     WHEN rh.restore_type='I' THEN 'Differential'
END AS RestoreType,
rh.[user_name], bf.physical_device_name AS BackupFileName
FROM msdb..[restorehistory] rh
INNER JOIN master.sys.databases sd
ON rh.destination_database_name = sd.name
INNER JOIN msdb..backupset mb
ON rh.backup_set_id=mb.backup_set_id
INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily bf
ON mb.backup_set_id=bf.media_set_id
WHERE rh.destination_database_name IN ('Test_4','Test_restore')  --Put the database names
ORDER BY restore_date DESC
Result Set:
Script To Provide Database Restore Report

Hope this is helpful. Please feel free to let me know your thoughts by leaving your comments below.
You may like the below articles as well:

Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000
List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases
Script to Rename SQL Agent Jobs
Script to find the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution
List of Users with db_owner Role in All Databases

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Script to Find the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution

In initial days I had to scratch my head for a long time to find out the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution just to provide details to customer or to find out the job causing issues.
The below simple query will be helpful in the following situations:

  • Several agent jobs showing in “sp_who2 active” results set and you want to identify them.
  • You have identified the root blocker as a SQL Agent job and need the problem job name to notify Customer.
  • Customer requested to find out the status of a job in progress etc.
sp_who2 active output does not show the job name:

Image of Sp_who2 active output which does not show job name

The below simple query will help you find the information:
SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs WHERE job_id=CAST(<jobid> AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)

Considering the above example:

SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs WHERE job_id=CAST(0xD81B43320D3F2843B9A6A40CA120F14B AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)

Image of the query result showing job name

Let me know if it helps and any suggestions are always welcome.
You may also find the below scripts useful:
List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases
Script to retrieve database backup information
Script to get SQL Cluster Failover Time and Node Name
Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000


List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases

Today I am gonna talk about the requirement of finding out all permissions for a user in all or selective databases.

The query here will help you in following situations:

  1. Customer has provided you with a user id and couple of database names and they wanted to find out all the permissions the user has on those databases.
  2. You have a task to provide access for a user id to some of the databases. You have provided the access and now want to pull the report to send to customer.
  3. You have been given a user id and asked to find out all permissions in all user databases.

This may not be exactly what you are looking for but certainly will give you some idea to make it your way.

Retrieve all permissions for a user in selective databases:

List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases
Link to Download the code:

Query for Selective Database(s) permissions

In this example I have listed the permissions for “Test_User” on databases “database1” and “database2″as shown the below screen shot:

Retrieve all permissions for a user in all user databases:

Permission for user

Download the code:

Query to copy the code

Here is an example output:

Please feel free to let me know if there is any better way you can think of to retrieve the same information.

Check out the below scripts as well:
Script to retrieve database backup information
Script to get SQL Cluster Failover Time and Node Name prior to Failover
Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000


Script to retrieve database backup information

Backup script is something which is a very common need of a DBA in day to day life.This article will provide you with a base query to retrieve database backup information.

I am not able to give credit to anybody as I have seen lot of similar queries in the internet and so could not find the original writer.

Hmm! then what is the need of having another one in this blog? Well, I have experienced that sometimes a simple query suffice your need rather than a fancy one.

The below queries will help answering  the following questions:
  • Do you have recent database backups?
  • What type of backup is being taken for particular databases?
  • What is the backup size?
  • Who has taken the backup or which application login id is being used to take backup?
  • What is the Recovery model of the databases being backup up?
  • How long it took to backup?
Backup details of all the databases of all backup types:
SELECT server_name, database_name, 
   WHEN type='D' THEN 'Full Backup' 
   WHEN type='L' THEN 'Log Backup'
   WHEN type='I' THEN 'Diff Backup' 
END AS BackupType, 
backup_start_date, backup_finish_date, DATEDIFF(SS,  backup_start_date, backup_finish_date)/60 AS [Duration(Minutes)],
CAST(backup_size/1024/1024 AS NUMERIC(10,2)) AS 'BackupSize(MB)', user_name AS UserName  
FROM msdb..backupset 
ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC
The following screen shot is to show you an example output:

You can use this as a base and tweak it here and there as per your requirements. Few examples are given below.

Retrieve the same information for particular database(s) and for a particular type:
SELECT server_name, database_name, 
   WHEN type='D' THEN 'Full Backup' 
   WHEN type='L' THEN 'Log Backup'
   WHEN type='I' THEN 'Diff Backup' 
END AS BackupType, 
backup_start_date, backup_finish_date, DATEDIFF(SS,  backup_start_date, backup_finish_date)/60 AS [Duration(Minutes)],
CAST(backup_size/1024/1024 AS NUMERIC(10,2)) AS 'BackupSize(MB)', user_name AS UserName  FROM msdb..backupset
WHERE database_name IN ('master','model','msdb')
AND type='D' 
ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC
Include recovery model of the databases in the same output list:
SELECT b.server_name, b.database_name, 
   WHEN type='D' THEN 'Full Backup' 
   WHEN type='L' THEN 'Log Backup'
   WHEN type='I' THEN 'Diff Backup' 
END AS BackupType, 
d.recovery_model_desc AS RecoveryModel,
b.backup_start_date, b.backup_finish_date, DATEDIFF(SS,  b.backup_start_date, b.backup_finish_date)/60 AS [Duration(Minutes)],
CAST(b.backup_size/1024/1024 AS NUMERIC(10,2)) AS 'BackupSize(MB)', b.user_name AS UserName  FROM msdb..backupset b
JOIN sys.databases d
ON b.database_name = d.name
WHERE database_name IN ('master','model','msdb')
AND type='D' 
ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC

Please let me know if it helps by leaving your comments below.

Further more you can go through the below link for some addition scripts:


You might also want to look at the below scripts:
Script to get Cluster Failover Time and Node Name
Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000


Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000

The Requirement was to provide a report to list all users with db_owner role. No big deal right? But the fun part was there were many servers running SQL 2000 version. Of course first thing first, search in the internet. Got few but not quite which I was looking for.

So ultimately I wrote the below query to provide the required details in SQL 2000. I have kept the option open to list not only for db_owner but also for any other database role.
You can tweak it as per your requirements.

SELECT p.name AS UserName,
      CASE WHEN p.isntgroup =1 AND p.isntuser=0 THEN 'Windows Group'
           WHEN p.isntgroup =0 AND p.isntuser=1 THEN 'Windows Login'
           WHEN p.issqlrole=1 THEN 'Database Role'
      ELSE 'SQL Login' END AS 'Login Type',
      USER_NAME(roles.groupuid) AS 'AssociatedRole' 
      FROM sysmembers roles
           JOIN sysusers p ON roles.memberuid = p.uid
           JOIN sysusers pp ON roles.groupuid = pp.uid AND  p.uid NOT IN (0,1,2,3,4) AND
           USER_NAME(roles.groupuid) IN ('db_owner', 'db_datareader')

The following screen shot shows the output:

I hope this helps. This post can only be treated as complete once you put your thoughts in the comment section.
You might also want to check the link which includes video to know the Myth around Remote Query Timeout Option

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