List All Database Users With Permissions

Hi there! In this blog post, we will explore a SQL query that allows you to list all database users with Permissions in SQL Server. As a DBA you must be able to identify which users have access to specific databases and what permissions they possess.

Understanding Database Users and Permissions

Before we dive into the SQL query, first let’s clarify the concepts of database users and permissions.

Database Users:

A database user is an individual or application that interacts with a SQL Server database.
Each user account is mapped to a Windows login or a SQL Server login.
Users are associated with roles and are granted permissions to perform specific actions within the database.


In SQL Server, permissions are used to control access to database objects, such as tables and views. Each user in a database has a set of permissions that determine what they are able to do within the database, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and EXECUTE.

Query to List All Database Users With Database Role Permissions

USE TestDB  -- Change the db Name
       ServerName=@@servername, Dbname=db_name(db_id()),p. name as UserName, 
       p. type_desc as TypeOfLogin, pp. name as DatabaseRoleAssigned, pp. type_desc as TypeOfRole
       FROM sys.database_role_members roles
       JOIN sys.database_principals p ON roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_id
       JOIN sys.database_principals pp ON roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_id
       AND p. name NOT IN ('sys','INFORMATION_SCHEMA','guest','dbo')


List All Database Users Permission

Generally speaking the above output is neat. Point often overlooked is we only got the details of the users which are part of any database roles. In other words I still need to know about users having Execute permission to any Stored Procedure, SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE permission on specific table etc.

Given these points let’s look into the below query.

Query To List All Database Users With Permissions:

USE TestDB  -- Change the db Name
   @@servername as SQLInstanceName,
   Dbname=db_name(db_id()), as 'UserName',
   u.type_desc as LoginType,
   p.permission_name as 'Permission', as 'ObjectName',
   o.type_desc as 'ObjectType'
sys.database_permissions p
sys.objects o ON p.major_id = o.object_id
sys.database_principals u ON p.grantee_principal_id = u.principal_id

Output:List All User Permissions

As can be seen in the above example output the query shows the permissions on specific objects. Hence you need these two queries to List All Database Users With Permissions.

Important to realize the following points:
  • The queries returns information about the database roles and permissions on database-level. Therefore it will not return information about server-level permissions.
  • Both the queries returns information about SQL and Windows users but does not include permission of roles. Hence If you want to see the permissions of database roles please feel free to tweak the query.
  • These will only shows the permissions for the specific connected database . Hence to check the permissions for all users in all databases, run the query against each database individually or modify the query. You can refer the link Retrieve all permissions for a user in all user databases which provides assigned database roles for a login in all databases.


In summary managing permissions in SQL Server is a crucial aspect of database administration. Hence I have provided a simple introduction of users and permissions before diving into the query.
With this in mind, you can easily use the queries to list all database users and their permissions. This will certainly help you maintain a secure and compliant database environment.
Regularly reviewing and auditing permissions is essential to ensure data integrity and security in your SQL Server databases.

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The Complete Guide to SQL Server System Databases

Hey there! this is the 3rd article in the category “SQL Server DBA Tutorial: Beginners to Pro”. Here we are going to discuss about SQL Server System databases. The prior article in this series is Understanding SQL Server Versions and Editions


To begin with, when you install SQL Server, it creates the system databases automatically. Understanding the role of system databases is crucial. Here we are going to explore everything you need to know about SQL Server system databases,
including their purpose, components, and best practices for managing them.

Table of Contents

  • What are System Databases?
  • Importance of System Databases
  • Understanding the Core System Databases
    • Master
    • Model
    • Msdb
    • Tempdb
    • Resource Database
  • Distribution Database
  • Best Practices to maintain the System Databases

What are System Databases?

System databases are the backbone of a SQL Instance. Each of them play a critical role in the functioning of the database management system. These databases provide critical services to the server and user databases. Each system database has a specific purpose, and they work in harmony.

Importance of System Databases

System databases contain crucial information about the SQL Server instance, including server-level configurations, system objects, and metadata. Understanding the purpose and components of these databases is essential for efficient database management, backup and recovery, and overall system stability.

Understanding the Core System Databases

Now let’s take a deep dive into the core System Databases. The below image shows the system databases when you connect to a SQL Instance.

System Databases

Master Database:

Contains all the system-level information for an instance of SQL Server. The master database is the most important as it is necessary for starting the SQL Server.

This includes instance-wide metadata such as logon accounts, endpoints, linked servers, and system configuration settings.

Also, master is the database that records the existence of all other databases and the location of those database files and records the initialization information for SQL Server. Therefore, SQL Server cannot start if the master database is unavailable.

Model Database:

The model database is used as a template for other databases created in SQL Server, especially when creating user-defined databases.

The entire configuration of the model database, including database options, are copied to the newly created database.

Every time SQL Server is started, it creates tempdb from model hence if model is corrupted, SQL will not come up normally.

Msdb Database: 

The msdb database is used mainly by the SQL Server Agent, and also by other features like SQL Server Management Studio, Service Broker, and Database Mail.

SQL Server automatically maintains a complete online backup-and-restore history within tables in msdb.

Tempdb Database:

TempDB is a global resource that is accessed by all the users in the SQL Server Instance

This stores temporary user objects that you create like temporary tables (Global and Local), temporary variables, temporary stored procedures that hold intermediate results during the sorting or query processing, and cursors.

Internal objects like Work Tables, Work files. Intermediate sort results for operations such as creating or rebuilding indexes.

Version stores, which are collections of data pages that hold the data rows that support features for row versioning.

Resource database:

The Resource Database is a hidden, read-only database that contains system objects, system catalogs, and metadata.

SQL Server system objects, such as sys.objects, are physically persisted in the Resource database, but they logically appear in the sys schema of every database. The Resource database does not contain user data or user metadata.

Microsoft created this database to allow very fast and safe upgrades. You can’t see the database by selecting from sys.databases or
executing sp_helpdb. It also won’t show up in the system databases tree in the Object Explorer pane
of SQL Server Management Studio, and it doesn’t appear in the drop-down list of databases from your query windows.

However, this database still needs disk space.
You can see the files in your default binn directory by using Microsoft Windows Explorer. For Example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn

mssqlsystemresource.mdf,  and mssqlsystemresource.ldf files.

To explain refer the below screen shot:

System Databases

Distribution Database:

SQL Server creates this database when you configure Replication on SQL Server and you choose the SQL Instance to act as a distributor. It stores replication metadata, history, and the transactions to replicate to other servers.

Best practices to Maintain System Databases:

Create a robust backup strategy for Regular backups of system databases.

Make proper SOP for restoring the system databases so that it is easier in the event of a disaster. Not to mention knowing how to restore system databases is essential for recovering your SQL Server instance.

Managing the size of system databases, especially TempDB, can significantly impact server performance. Hence proper Sizing and Growth Planning is very essential.

Equally important is monitoring solutions to keep an eye on the health and performance of your system databases.

In addition Consider placing system databases on separate disks to prevent contention and optimize performance.

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Fix Incorrect Mexico Time in SQL Server sys.time_zone_info

In this article we are going to discuss how to fix incorrect Mexico Time in SQL Server sys.time_zone_info system catalog.


One of our customer informed that Mexico changed their DST . In UAT, application is showing correct time which is UTC -6 however in Production the mexico time zone is showing as UTC – 5. The application is referring the sys.time_zone_info system catalog in SQL Server.


In the first place you should understand what is the actual problem. In other words what the customer is talking about. The problem statement it is not very clear if it is SQL Server issue or OS issue or it is something to do with application code.

After a short call with the customer we got to know that as per Mexican Government order published in October 26th, 2022, that Daylight Saving Time (DST) in the United Mexican States will not be observed in 2023 calendar year.

Second is to compare the UAT and Production environment.

  • No change in code at application end.
  • There is no difference in OS time zone settings in application and database server.
  • The result of Mexico Time Zone in sys.time_zone_info were different.

Query to check the Mexico Time Zone information:

SELECT * FROM sys.time_zone_info
WHERE name LIKE '%Mexico%'


Mexico Time

The above result was from UAT where the output is showing correct. Likewise we checked it in Production environment and result is as follows:

Mexico Time Zone

Certainly we could see the difference as mentioned by the customer. What next?

  • Checked the SQL Server patch and both UAT and Production Instance were in the same patch level
  • Compared the OS patch level on both the servers and we could find the difference in patches installed

Being DBA you need to know how to verify these stuffs to be able to quickly identify the issue. Below screen shot will help you with the path:

Mexico Time Zone

The highlighted patch was not installed in Prod because it was scheduled for next month patching cycle.

A quick read about the patch in the KB article  KB5023702 clarifies the issue:

Mexico Time Zone

Resolution & Conclusion:

The resolution is a no brainer once you find the issue. You have to follow the process as per your organization and get the patch installed in the server.

To conclude incorrect time zone in sys.time_zone_info is not a SQL Server issue. However being DBA you should be able to troubleshoot, find the root cause and suggest the solution. If customer complains about one server shows correct time zone while the other is incorrect without doing any changes in the application end, you should perform a thorough check at server end. The issue occurred because of not having latest OS patch and you can resolve it by going through the relevant article of the OS patch and get it installed.

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Query To List All Orphaned Logins In SQL Server

Hi there, being a DBA you must be dealing with orphaned users often but rarely with orphaned logins. In this article I am gonna provide you a script to list all orphaned logins in a SQL Server Instance.


First of all let us understand what are orphaned logins in SQL Server. The logins which does not have access to any database or server roles. Now next question is how orphaned login occurs in SQL Server Instance. In general it happens when you migrate or decommission database(s).

Few of the reasons are mentioned as follows:

  • Migration of database(s) leaving the associated logins.
  • Decommission of database(s) leaving the associated logins.
  • Deleting a server or database role that the login is a member of.
  • Moving user account from one domain to another.

Over time your server can become cluttered with orphaned logins and make it difficult for DBAs to manage. Hence it is important to regularly check and remove them. Obviously you need to follow the process as per your organization.

Query to list all orphaned logins in SQL Server:

DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(50)  

CREATE TABLE #database_sids
    [sid] int NOT NULL

FROM master.sys.databases
WHERE  state_desc='online' 
OPEN db_cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  

SELECT @statement = 'select sid from ['+@dbname +'].sys.database_principals where sid is not Null and type!=''R'''

INSERT INTO #database_sids ([sid])
EXEC sp_executesql @statement

FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  
CLOSE db_cursor  
DEALLOCATE db_cursor

    , sp.type_desc
FROM sys.server_principals sp
    SELECT 1
    FROM #database_sids ds
    WHERE ds. sid = sp. sid
    AND sp.[type_desc] NOT IN (
        AND not in(
       FROM sys.server_role_members RM
       INNER JOIN sys.server_principals P ON RM.member_principal_id = P.principal_id)

drop table #database_sids

Sample Output:

Orphaned Logins

First thing to remember is not to delete them immediately. As can be seen in the above example, ‘NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM’. That’s a critical account to verify before deleting. Hence it is important to realize that though the logins are Orphaned you need to do a though check before taking any action.


In summary orphaned logins can occur due to number of reasons. Primary reasons being database migration, decommission or moving user from one domain to another. Point often overlooked is Orphaned Logins can pose security risk and hinder SQL Server management. However it is possible to identify and address them as per your organization standards. I hope the above script can help in your journey. Please let me know by leaving your comments below.

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Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Server Roles

Today we are going to discuss about how to resolve the “Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Server Roles and cannot be dropped”


If you are a SQL Server DBA, you may encounter the Error 15141 when trying to delete a login id. First of all let me show you how the error message looks like in SSMS when you try to delete/drop a login.

The Server Principal Owns One or More Server Roles

In the above example screen shot we are trying to delete the login id ‘Admin’. I have observed that some DBA(s) do not read the error message carefully and starts beating about the bush.

There are very similar error messages while dropping logins as you can refer the following links:

Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Availability Groups

Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Endpoints

Error 15434: Could not drop login as the user is currently logged in

To emphasize if you observe the above error message clearly reads that the principal (or login) owns one or more server roles, which prevents you from dropping it.

Cause Of the Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Server Roles

When a server principal or login owns a server role, you cannot drop the login unless you first transfer ownership of the server role to another login. As a matter of fact SQL Server never allows you to drop a login if it owns any object. Hence it throws the error preventing you to drop the server principal or login.


To resolve the error, you first need to identify the Server Roles owned by the login or server principal. Then you need to transfer the ownership for each of the server roles to ‘sa’ or any other login as per your organization standard.

1. Query to Identify the Server Roles the Login owns

SELECT AS ServerRoleName, AS RoleOwnerName
       FROM sys.server_principals AS sp1
       JOIN sys.server_principals As sp2
       ON sp1.owning_principal_id=sp2.principal_id
       WHERE'Admin' --Change the login name

Sample Output:

The Server Principal Owns One or More Server Roles

Here in the above example it shows that the login id ‘Admin’ owns two Server roles. On the contrary if the login would have own one or more database role(s), it would allow to delete the login but not the user. Now we’ll change the ownership.

2. Query to Change the Server Role Owner:

USE [master]
ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SERVER ROLE :: [ServerRole-Test] TO [sa] --Change The ServerRole Name and login Name
ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SERVER ROLE :: [AnotherServerRole-Test] TO [sa] --Change The ServerRole Name and login Name

3. Drop the Login:

USE [master]
DROP Login [Admin] --change the login Name

Query Result:

The Server Principal Owns One or More Server Roles

As can be seen now the the drop command completed successfully.


To summarize the error Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Server Roles and cannot be dropped occurs when the login or server principal owns one or more Server Roles and you are trying to drop the login. Obviously you should not take any knee jerk reaction. After all you are trying to resolve the issue. Hence you should first list out the Server Roles which the login owns. Then change the ownership to [sa] or any other login as per your organization standards. Finally delete or drop the login. Definitely this should resolve the issue. Important to realize that this method will allow you to delete the login even if the login owns and database roles. Hence to repeat you need to be very careful while working in production systems.

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Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Availability Groups

Hey there, this article is about understanding and resolving the error message  “Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Availability Groups and cannot be dropped”.


First of all let me tell you that the above mentioned error occurs when you try to delete a login in a SQL Server Always On Instance. The error message clearly says that the Login Owns an Availability Group(s). In SSMS the error message looks like as shown in the below screen shot.

Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Availability Groups

Why does the Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Availability Groups occur in SQL Server?

SQL Server does not allow you to drop any login or Server principal which owns any objects. In this case the server principal is owning an Availability Group. If it allows to drop the login then the Availability Group will become orphaned and that is why SQL Server does not allow to do so.

Now the next question is how come the login has become the owner of the Availability Group.  This is because the login had created the Availability Group while configuring Always On. Does it create any issues as far Always On functionality is concerned? NO, it does not. Then why you need to drop the login?

This is mostly because of the Organization standards. No individual login id should own any Availability Groups. Imagine if the the user leaves the organization and the Id has been removed from Active Directory.


To resolve the error first thing the DBA should do is to identify the list of Availability Groups owned by the login or server principal. Once you have the list, you need to change the ownership to ‘sa’ or any other login as per your Organization Standards. I always say don’t panic and never try to delete the Availability Group itself.

1.Query to Identify the Availability Groups the login Owns:

SELECT ag.[name]  AS availability_groups_name
    ,sp.[name] AS owner_name
FROM  sys.availability_groups ag
JOIN sys.availability_replicas ar ON ag.group_id = ar.group_id
JOIN sys.server_principals sp ON ar.owner_sid = sp.[sid]
WHERE sp.[name]= 'GLOBAL\Dev' -- Change the login name

Sample Output:

Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Availability Groups

Notably the above output shows that the login ‘GlOBAL\Dev’ owns the Availability Group “DEV-AVG01′. Now we’ll change the owner.

2. Query to Change the Availability Group Owner:

 USE [master]

Now again run the Select query to check the Ownership. Once confirmed you can try dropping the login id.

3. Drop the Login:

 USE [master]
 DROP LOGIN [GLOBAL\Dev]  --Change the login 


To conclude, the Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Availability Groups occur in SQL Server is one of the common errors DBAs encounter while working on SQL Server Always On Instances. Specifically the error occurs when you try to delete a login or server principal which owns one or more availability Groups. While troubleshooting, first thing to remember is not to take any hasty decision. Particularly in Production. The DBA must first list out the Availability Groups owned by the login and then change the ownership to a different login id as per Organization standards which will resolve the issue.

You can also refer the following articles if you are facing Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Endpoints 

Or Error 15434: Could not drop login as the user is currently logged in

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Error 15434: Could not drop login as the user is currently logged in

Hey there, the other day I got a call from a DBA saying he is not able to drop a login from a SQL Instance and getting the following error:
“Error 15434: Could not drop login as the user is currently logged in.”

In this blog post, we will discuss what this error message means, why it occurs and how to resolve it. First of all let’s see how the error message looks like SSMS.

Error 15434: Could not drop login as the user is currently logged in


This error message says database administrator tries to drop a login who is doing some work/running transactions in the SQL Server. First thought came to the DBA’s mind is to wait until the login/user disconnects to the database before they can drop it.

Why does Error 15434 occur in SQL Server?

The error occurs because you are trying to delete/drop a login which has a session (Active/Inactive) in the SQL Instance. The SQL server does not allow to drop the login because it would terminate the session. This can cause business impact.


To resolve Error 15434, the database administrator must first identify the connected session and then either wait for the session to be disconnected or manually disconnect the session. Always check with the user if possible. If it is more or like a generic ID like the above example (‘Admin’), it becomes little tricky.

When I got the call, first thing I checked with the DBA if he is trying to delete his own id. This situation may also occur when you Installed SQL Server and added your individual id and as part of the cleaning process you want to delete your id.

Point often overlooked is that you can not delete your own id. In that case you need to connect either using “sa” account or another “security admin” and “processadmin” (to be able to kill the process) or sysadmin account. If you don’t have another such account then ask your fellow DBA(s) to follow the below steps. Obviously SQL Server does not allow to kill your own session.

1. Identify the connected sessions:

USE master
SELECT spid, blocked  AS BlockedBy, loginame  AS LogInName, login_time,
last_batch, status
FROM   sys.sysprocesses
WHERE loginame = 'Admin'   --Change the loginID you are trying to delete

Sample Output:
Error 15434: Could not drop login as the user is currently logged in

Now few points to observe from the sample output. You got few sessions which for the login and they are in sleeping status. You need to to also observe the login_time and the last_batch which is basically the last activity time completed with the connection. If both of them are old, you can decide on killing the sessions. Again be very careful while you do this in production environment.

2. Disconnect or Kill the Sessions:

KILL spid

Screen Shot with above example Spids:
Error 15434: Could not drop login as the user is currently logged in

3. Delete the Login:

DROP Login [loginame]

Error 15434: Could not drop login as the user is currently logged in

As you can see from the above screen shot the login is dropped without any issue/errors.


To conclude, the error “Error 15434: Could not drop login as the user is currently logged in” occurs when you try to delete a login having active/inactive connections to the SQL Instance. The database administrator must first identify and disconnect the connected session, and then drop the login.

You can also refer the below articles related to login drop issues:

Error 15141:The Server Principal Owns One or More Endpoints and cannot be Dropped

Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Availability Groups

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Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Endpoints and Cannot be Dropped


As a DBA you may encounter the following error message “The Server Principal Owns One or More Endpoints and Cannot be Dropped. (Microsoft SQL Server Error:15141)” while deleting a login id in Always On SQL server.

This happens because the user (DBA) configured the Always on and configured it. As security best practice we should not keep any individual login id in SQL Instances. All domain logins should be part of the Active Directory group.

The error message:

The Server Principal Owns One or More Endpoints and Cannot be Dropped

What is Endpoint in SQL Server:

SQL Server Endpoint is a communication channel that enables clients to connect to the server and access data. It is a database object that defines the ways and means  in which SQL Server may communicate over the network. In SQL Server Always on this endpoint is a special-purpose endpoint that is used exclusively to receive connections from other server instances.

SQL Server will not allow you to drop a user that owns an endpoint because it would disrupt communication for the clients that use the endpoint.


As shown above, the error clearly says that the login owns one or more endpoints. First thing is NOT to have a knee jerk reaction to delete the endpoint itself.

First you need to check the endpoints and their ownership. Second you can change the ownership to “sa” or the domain account as per your organization standards.

Query to to check the Endpoint Ownership:

USE master
SELECT as  EndpointName, AS  EndpointOwner,e.type_desc AS Endpint_Type, e.state_desc  AS Endpoint_Status
FROM  sys.endpoints e
INNER JOIN  sys.server_principalssp
 ON e.principal_id = sp.principal_id

Output Showing  individual login ID owning the Endpoint “Hadr_endpoint”:

Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Endpoints and Cannot be Dropped

Furthermore the endpoint’s name is “Hadr_endpoint” which is the default name of the Availability Group (AG) endpoint. Hence this confirms the individual loginID is part of Always On setup .

Next step is to change the ownership of the endpoint to the login id as per your organization’s standards. In this example I am changing it to “sa”

Here we are using ALTER Authorization statement to transfer ownership. We can not set the ownership to database level users. ALTER AUTHORIZATION is the statement to change the ownership of any entity that has an owner.

Command to change the Endpoint Ownership:

--Replace the login id [sa] with your login.
ALTER Authorization on endpoint ::Hadr_endpoint to [sa]

Now again run the Select query to check the Ownership. Once confirmed you can try dropping the loginid.

Drop LoginID:

DROP Login  [GlOBAL\Tridib.Dev] --Change the loginID you want to delete 

Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Endpoints and Cannot be Dropped


In summary, By understanding endpoint and why dropping a user with an endpoint is prohibited, you can quickly resolve this issue by transferring the ownership to a standard account and continue with your database administration tasks.

You can refer Error 154934: Could not drop login as the user is currently logged in

Error 15141: The Server Principal Owns One or More Availability Groups

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Junior SQL DBA Interview Question Answers: Part 4

Hey there, today we are going to discuss another set of Junior SQL DBA Interview Question Answers. Here basically we’ll be concentrating on SQL Server Installation related interview questions. I would suggest you to go through SQL Interview Q&A Part1 , Part2 and Part3 as well.

1.What are the system requirements for installing SQL Server?

Ans: It is always good to refer the Microsoft documentation for specific version and edition before you plan to Install SQL Server. I can      mention few basic requirements which are as follows:

  • Minimum 4  GB RAM.
  • 64 bit Processor with 2 GHz or faster
  • Microsoft recommends to have at least 6 GB free hard-disk space.
  • SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later require .NET Framework 4.6 for the Database Engine. SQL Server setup automatically installs .NET Framework.
  • A supported operating system.
  • Moreover, You cannot run SQL Server services on a domain controller.

2. What permissions the user needs to install SQL Server? 

Ans: The user or the login should have Local Administrator access on the server.

3. What is a SQL Server Instance?

Ans: A Database Engine instance is a version of the sqlservr.exe program that runs as a service on the operating system. It is responsible for managing several system databases, as well as one or more user-created databases. A single server can have multiple instances running on it, and applications connect to a specific instance to access and work with the databases it manages.

4. What are the different types of Instances?

Ans: There are basically two types of SQL Server Instances.

  • Default Instance
  • Named Instance

The Default Instance has no name. If a connection request specifies only the name of the computer, the connection is made to the default instance. In other words you can connect to the SQL Server by the computer name or even by just mentioning a dot “.” if you are connecting to the local SQL Server default Instance. e.g. the below screen shot shows local default Instance connecting using a dot.

SQL DBA Interview Question Answers

A Named Instance is one where you specify an instance name when installing the instance. A connection request must specify both the computer name and instance name in order to connect to the instance.

Example of named Instance:

SQL DBA Interview Question Answers

Moreover there is no requirement to install a default instance; all of the instances running on a computer can be named instances.

5. What is the Install/setup log file name and the path?

Ans: “Summary.txt” is the setup log file name and the path is as follows:

%Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\nnn\Setup Bootstrap\Log.  “nnn” represents the version number. Below example screen shot shows the setup file path for SQL Server 2019

SQL DBA Interview Question Answers

6. Is it possible to Install Multiple Instances on the same drive?

Ans: Yes, it is possible as it will create it’s own folder for the instance.

7. What is the default port number of SQL Instance?

Ans: The default port is 1433. You can refer TCP and UDP Ports explained

8.  What is SQL Server Browser Services Port number?

Ans: 1434

9. How to check which port SQL Service is listening to?

Ans: There are couple of ways you can check it.

  • SQL Server Configuration Manager
  • SQL Server Error log
  • Application Event Log

The most common one is SQL Server Configuration Manager if you can login to the server.

Open SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Server Network Configuration and then select Protocols for <instance name> on the left panel. Right click on TCP/IP and select Properties from the drop down  and check the port mentioned against TCP Port under IPAll as shown below:

SQL Server Interview Question Answers

If you want to use SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio), you can open Error log and search for “Server is listening on” and check for the message as shown below having <ipv4>.

SQL DBA Interview Question Answers

You can search for same text in Application event log.

10. Is it possible to change the default port and if yes, then how?

Ans: Yes, it is possible to change the default or existing port and that can be done though the SQL Server Configuration Manager. You can refer the answer to question no. 9 above. Navigate to the same path:

Open SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Server Network Configuration and then select Protocols for <instance name> on the left panel. Right click on TCP/IP > select Properties and click on port mentioned against TCP Port under IPAll. Here you can specify the new port number.

You need to restart the SQL Service to take affect of the new port number.

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Understanding SQL Server Versions and Editions

SQL Server Versions and Editions

Microsoft SQL Server is a popular database management system. It comes in different versions and editions, each with its own set of features and capabilities. Understanding the differences between SQL Server versions and editions can help you choose the right one for your organization’s needs. Here we’ll build the basic understanding of the terms and will not go into details.

This is second article in the SQL Server DBA Tutorial: Beginners to Pro series. You may want to read the first article What is SQL Server

SQL Server Versions

SQL Server continuously improves its features and capabilities by releasing different versions building upon the previous ones. The current version of SQL Server is SQL Server 2022, but previous versions, such as SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016 and 2014 still widely used. Each version of SQL Server includes new features and enhancements that can improve performance and scalability.

There are other EOL (End Of Life) versions such as SQL Server 2012, 2008R2, 2008, 2005 and 2000.

As an illustration if I have to brief you about few of SQL Sever Versions:

SQL Server 2022:

The newest SQL Server version released on 16th November 2022. This is the most Azure-enabled version yet, building on its tradition of performance, security, and availability.

SQL Server 2019:

Microsoft launched SQL Server 2019 on November 4, 2019. Introduces Big Data Clusters for SQL Server. This lets you analyze your data on-fly using T-SQL and spark.

SQL Server 2017:

Launched on October 2, 2017. First time, Microsoft made the SQL Server compatible with Linux.

SQL Server 2016:

Introduced Always Encrypted in SQL 2016 in all editions. Prior to SQL Server 2016 (13.x) SP1, Always Encrypted was limited to the Enterprise Edition only.

SQL Server 2014:

Released to manufacturing on March 18, 2014, and released to the general public on April 1, 2014.

In essence, with each version Microsoft comes up with enhanced and robust features.

SQL Server Editions

SQL Server is also available in different editions, each with a specific set of features and capabilities. The most common editions of SQL Server are:

Standard Edition: This edition is suitable for small to medium-sized businesses and includes features such as basic backup and recovery, basic security, and basic reporting.

Enterprise Edition: Top-end edition with a full feature set. Basically large enterprises use this edition and includes advanced features such as advanced security, advanced data warehousing, and advanced reporting.

Express Edition: This edition is a free, entry-level version of SQL Server that is ideal for small to medium-sized applications and includes basic features such as basic backup and recovery, basic security, and basic reporting.

Web Edition: This edition provides basic features like basic backup and recovery, basic security, and basic reporting for web-based applications

Developer Edition: This is similar to Enterprise. Another free edition but only for development and testing environments.

Compact Edition: Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 is a free, embedded database that software developers can use for building ASP.NET websites and Windows desktop applications.. The maximum size of the database is 4 GB.

Evaluation: The SQL Server Evaluation Edition is a great way to get a fully functional and free instance of SQL Server for learning and developing solutions. This edition has a built-in expiry of 6 months from the time that you install it.

Business Intelligence: Data warehousing and business intelligence applications uses this edition and includes advanced BI capabilities such as reporting and analysis services.

 Keep in mind that the feature set and limits of the different editions may change with new releases of SQL Server, so it’s best to check the specific product documentation for the most up-to-date information.


In Summary choosing the right SQL Server versions and editions can be challenging, especially when you consider the different features and capabilities that each version and edition provides. Thus by understanding the differences between SQL Server versions and editions, you can make an informed decision.

Hence it is important to keep in mind that the version and edition of SQL Server you choose will depend on the size of your organization, the type of data you need to store, and the features and capabilities you need to support your organization’s specific use cases.

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