Script to Change SQL Agent Job Schedule

This article is about a simple script to change sql agent job schedule. Now most you may be thinking why do you need a script while you can change it through SSMS.

But if you get an issue like sql server agent job is not running as per standard schedule. And the issue is on 100s of SQL Instances, you definitely prefer a query to do it on one shot.

Now let me tell you what made me develop this simple query which helped big time. Someone ran a script to create DBA maintenance job automatically.

Of course all went well until we realized two jobs were running thrice a week. The maintenance jobs should run on weekends only and hence the below query helps achieving the same.
You can use SQL Server’s Central Management Server (CMS) to execute the query in all SQL Instances at one shot.

Alter SQL Job Schedule Using Script

NOTE: Please don’t copy paste the query and run without reading the comments. You need to change few parameter values as per your requirements.

The below query is an example to change the job schedule of the SQL Agent Job “1_DBA job Name” to run Weekly Once on Saturday.


SELECT @schid = sjc.schedule_id
FROM msdb..sysjobs AS sjob
INNER JOIN msdb..sysjobschedules AS sjc ON sjob.job_id = sjc.job_id
INNER JOIN msdb..sysschedules AS sch ON sjc.schedule_id = sch.schedule_id
WHERE = '1_DBA job Name' -- Change The Job Name

EXEC msdb..sp_update_schedule @schedule_id = @schid
	,@freq_type = 8  --The value indicates when a job is to be executed. Refer Table_1
	,@freq_interval = 64 -- Refer Table_2 below and change it as per your requirement
freq_type: The value indicates frequency of a job is to be executed
Script to Change SQL Agent Job Schedule

freq_interval: The days that a job will execute.

Script to Change SQL Agent Job Schedule

Please refer the Microsoft article Microsoft Documentation to understand and use different schedule options.
If you have some basic T-SQL knowledge you must be thinking this could have been achieved just by running sp_update_schedule. Well that is true if you have unique schedule name for the SQL Agent Job you are trying to change the schedule. If not this simple query will help.

The very next step would be to verify the changes you just made. Here is a script to achieve the same.>>Continue

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Event id 133 from source report server cannot be found


This is about a fix for the error “Event id 133 from source report server cannot be found”. This is in continuation of SQL Server Reporting Services Not Starting.

If you have landed here directly and you are getting the exact error in the Application event log, you are in right place. In  summary I had explained the troubleshooting steps and showed the exact error message in the first article.

Further troubleshooting steps:

Once I had checked the Application Event log, next I checked the Reporting Services log. The location of the log files is your SSRS install directory. In case you have observed, the error in the application event log contains the install directory:

event id 133 from source report server cannot be found
Application Event Log Showing SSRS Install Directory

Hence you can find the SSRS logs in the following location: Considering the above example.
“C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles”

Looked at the latest log file and could find the following error message:

Event id 133 from source report server cannot be found
SSRS Error log

The error indicates some issues with the SSRS Config file. Refer the first screen shot in this article to find the path of the file.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\RSReportServer.config”

The most compelling evidence is the following part  in the error message:

“configmanager!DefaultDomain!20!03/27/2020-04:21:32:: e ERROR: Error loading configuration file: The ‘SemanticQuery’ start tag on line 220 does not match the end tag of ‘Extension’. Line 251, position 6.”

With this in mind I opened the config file in Visual Studio and searched for “SemanticQuery” and  “Extension”.

Note: Please create a copy of the original RSReportServer.config file before making any changes.

Visual Studio View of RSReportServer.config file:
Event id 133 from source report server cannot be found
Visual Studio View of RSReportServer.config file

The arrow shows the <SemanticQuery> block. If you have observed, once I put the cursor in the </Extension> it showed the dialog box saying “Expecting end tag </SemanticQuery>.

The next step is to observe the difference of <Extension> blocks between “SemanticQuery” block. If you can see the red underlines does not have the ending ‘/’ except the one (second last red circle).

Where as the last <Extension> before the ending </SemanticQuery> has ‘/’. I removed the ‘/’ from the “Extension” block which was expecting end tag </SemanticQuery> and saved it.

Bingo! that worked and Reporting Services came online. This is how I fixed it, there may be multiple issues which you may need to fix.

If you have faced any other issues let me know by leaving your comments below.

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SQL Server Reporting Services Not Starting

This article is about troubleshooting SQL Server Reporting services not starting issue. It was a nice weekend until I got a call saying SSRS is not working. First thing I asked the on shift DBA if the services online and he says “No”. Of-course the DBA tried to bring it up and it failed saying “The service did not respond to the start or control request intimely fashion‘.

Further he informed that Windows Team performed maintenance activity and as part of that they rebooted the server. After reboot all services came online except SSRS service.

Not to mention, you must have already guessed the situation. It required deeper troubleshooting and I am going to explain the steps in the following section.

The SQL Server version: SQL 2012 (SP4-GDR), Standard Edition.

Troubleshooting SQL Server Reporting Services Not Starting

First thing I tried to start the service from Services.msc to check if I get a different error. And It threw the following generic error:

Reporting Services Not Starting
Reporting Services Error

The above error was of not much help but it will log the error at the top (mostly) in application event log. This is what I could find in the event log:

Log Name: Application
Source: Report Server
Date: 3/27/2020 6:40:30 AM
Event ID: 133
Task Category: (4)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: <<ServerName>>
The description for Event ID 133 from source Report Server cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\RSReportServer.config

The error image shows as follows:
Reporting Services Not Starting
Reporting Services Error in Event Log

The very first thing comes to mind after seeing the error is the SSRS service got corrupted and needs to be repaired/reinstalled. But that should always be the last resort. Continue to read to find the solution without reinstall. Next Page>>

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OS Patching in SQL Server Always On


This article is about DBA steps during OS Patching in SQL Server Always On and in continuation of the Steps in SQL Server Always On during OS patching. Please read the first article if you have directly landed on this page.

Till now you have seen why database backup is important and how to Validate Synchronization State. Now let’s see how to change the failover mode. Why we need to change, you already know from first article.

How to change Failover Mode:

Right Click on AG Group on Primary > Properties:

Change Failover Mode
AG Dashboard Properties

Change the Failover Mode to Manual and click OK:

Change Failover Mode
Change Failover Mode

4. Now you can apply the OS patch on secondary Node. If you are DBA then request Intel to patch the secondary server. Do not failover the cluster resources to other node. You can reboot the secondary server after reboot.

5. After secondary server comes back online, wait until databases are in SYNCHRONIZED state and make sure Failover Readiness shows No Data Loss as described in Step 2) Validate Synchronization State, described in first article.

6. Availability Group (AG) Failover:

Fail over the Availability Group (AG) to the secondary replica using SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) and not from Failover Cluster Manager.

Right Click on AG on Primary and Choose Failover:

AlwaysOn Failover
AlwaysOn Failover

Click Next:

AlwaysOn Failover
AlwaysOn Failover

Select the new Primary Replica and click Next:

AlwaysOn Failover
AlwaysOn Failover

Next step would be to connect to the Replica to failover.

7. Wait until all the database synchronization state becomes SYNCHRONIZED. Follow the instructions in Step 2) Validate Synchronization State. (Refer first article)

8. Once all the Db status become Synchronized, you can start OS patching activity on new Secondary.

9. Keep monitoring the log file growth and if it is about to get full then we may need to remove the database from Always ON AG to prevent it from going to suspect mode.

10. Once the activity completed monitor until the databases become SYNCHRONIZED. Follow the instructions in Step 2) Validate Synchronization State.

11. Failback the AG to the original node and wait until all databases become SYNCHRONIZED. This step is not mandatory and depends upon the application setup.

12. Lastly the node acting as the primary replica, change the failover mode back to Automatic. In fact you should not forget this step. Please follow step 3) Failover Mode.

Hope this helps and leave you comments or questions.

You may also like to read the following articles:

Tempdb space issue in AlwaysOn secondary Replica

SQL Database Restore using NetBackup

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Steps in SQL Server Always On during OS patching

This article is about detailed Steps in SQL Server Always On during OS patching. Any minor mistakes for Always On Availability Group (AG) failover during OS patching can cause huge downtime. And this is because the database can go to recovery pending state and application will not be able to connect.
Therefore it is very critical to follow proper steps. In addition to this, the article will help non DBAs or accidental DBAs as well.
One of the main idea behind implementing SQL Server Always On is to minimize downtime during any kind of patching activity.

Steps to Follow in SQL Server Always On During OS Patching
  1. Backup Confirmation:
    Please make sure we have good full/diff backups of all the databases. This is to avoid any unwanted situation. Like in worst case you may need to restore from database backup and re-establish Always On.
  2. Validate Synchronization State: Make sure that synchronization state for all databases is SYNCHRONIZED and Failover Readiness shows No Data Loss in Availability Group (AG) Dashboard.
  • Right Click on AG from Primary Server and go to Dashboard
Open Always On Dashboard
Open Always On Dashboard
  • You need to check Synchronization State is Synchronized, and Failover Readiness is No Data Loss.
    Also make sure there is no error shows in the AG Dashboard as shown below:
AlwaysOn Dashboard: Synchronization status
AlwaysOn Dashboard: Synchronization status

The above step is for you to validate that you do not loose any data during failover of Always On AG. Other synchronization State can be “Synchronizing” and Failover Readiness is “Data Loss”. In that case you got to do some work before failover.

3. Change Failover Mode:

Change the failover mode of AG group to manual. This step is to make sure to have control during Node reboot after patching. Obviously you don’t want the AG to failover automatically during the activity.

Continue Reading>>


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Tempdb growth due to Version Store in AlwaysOn


This article about fixing tempdb growth due to Version Store in Always On Secondary replica. This is in continuation of  the article Tempdb space issue in AlwaysOn Secondary Replica. Hence please go through the first article and then comeback here so that it make more sense to you.

To summarize till now we have found that version store is consuming most of the space in tempdb. Hence we tried to find out the transaction consuming version store and detected an old system session id having lastwaittype as “REDO_THREAD_PENDING_WORK”.

As I mentioned in the first article this is a hint of some transaction in primary causing this. Furthermore you can check the below performance counters:

  • Longest transaction that’s currently running: SQLServer:Transactions\Longest Transaction Running Time.
  • The current size of all the version stores: SQLServer:Transactions\Version Store Size (KB) .
  • Rate of version store cleanup in tempdb: SQLServer:Transactions\Version Cleanup rate (KB/s).
  • Rate of version store generation: SQLServer:Transactions\Version Generation rate (KB/s).

Conversely you can use the below query in secondary replica facing the issue.

Query to check the above mentioned performance counters
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WHERE counter_name IN ( 'Longest Transaction Running Time' ,'Version Store Size (KB)' ,'Version Cleanup rate (KB/s)' ,'Version Generation rate (KB/s)' )
Sample output:
Result set of Longest Running Transaction
Fig1: Longest Running Transaction time

As you can see the “Longest Transaction Running Time” counter has a very high Cntr_Value. This is another key point and compelling evidence that there is long running transaction in primary replica.
Additionally the other three counters related to Version store shows that the the long running transaction is consuming the version store.

Now execute the below query again. This time in Primary Replica.

Query to find the transaction utilizing version store:
	,db_name(b.dbid) AS database_name
FROM sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions a
INNER JOIN sys.sysprocesses b ON a.session_id = b.spid
Sample Output:
Transactions In Primary Using Version Store In Secondary Replica
Fig2: Transactions In Primary Using Version Store In Secondary Replica

In the above sample output the most important columns are marked in red. If you have noticed, the “login_time and “last_batch” time is very old. Additionally the status is “sleeping”. Now you need to kill the corresponding session ids one by one and monitor the version store utilization as shown in the first article.

Points often overlooked is to kill one session at a time and then monitor the version store utilization in secondary replica. The reason behind this is, next time the version clean up process runs it will be able to clear the version store if you have killed the right one. This way you will be able to find the culprit transaction as well.
Also not to mention that you may need to contact the application team before killing any spid depending upon your environment.

Hope this helps. If you find any new scenario please put that in the comment section.

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Tempdb space issue in AlwaysOn Secondary Replica

In this article I am going to discuss about how to troubleshoot and fix the tempdb space issue in AlwaysOn Secondary Replica.
Recently I had faced an issue when tempdb in AlwaysOn secondary replica had grown to the disk space limit. It was SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition.
As you all know tempdb is used by server operations in a SQL Instance to store the following objects:
user objects, internal objects, and the version store, used primarily for snapshot isolation. Therefore we start the troubleshooting just like we do in case of regular tempdb space issue.

First of all we need to check what is consuming space in tempdb. We need to query sys.dm_db_file_space_usage which provides the details.

Query to find the tempdb space usage:
SELECT CAST(SUM((total_page_count) * 8) / 1024. AS DECIMAL(25, 2)) AS Total_Size_MB
	,--Works on SQL 2012 and future editions
	CAST(SUM((unallocated_extent_page_count) * 8) / 1024. AS DECIMAL(25, 2)) AS Free_Space_MB
	,CAST(SUM((user_object_reserved_page_count) * 8) / 1024. AS DECIMAL(25, 2)) AS User_Objects_MB
	,CAST(SUM((internal_object_reserved_page_count) * 8) / 1024. AS DECIMAL(25, 2)) AS Internal_Objects_MB
	,CAST(SUM((version_store_reserved_page_count) * 8) / 1024. AS DECIMAL(25, 2)) AS Version_Store_MB
	,CAST(SUM((mixed_extent_page_count) * 8) / 1024. AS DECIMAL(25, 2)) AS Mixed_Extent_MB
FROM tempdb.sys.dm_db_file_space_usage
The output was as follows:
Tempdb Space Issue on AlwaysOn Secondary Replica
Objects consuming space in tempdb

As you can see Version Store is the highest consumer. The next step is to identify the transactions on Secondary replica maintaining an active version store. Execute the below query in secondary replica.

Query to find the transaction utilizing version store:
	,db_name(b.dbid) AS database_name
FROM sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions a
INNER JOIN sys.sysprocesses b ON a.session_id = b.spid
Sample Output:
Tempdb space issue on Always On Secondary Replica
Result showing transactions utilizing version store

Most important columns in the above result set to notice are “session_id “, “lastwaittype”, “database_name”, “login_time” and “last_batch”.

In addition you need to remember that we ran the query in Secondary Replica. Therefore you can see lastwaitype as “REDO_THREAD_PENDING_WORK”. Which means the redo thread was trying to catch up with the primary and was maintaining multiple versions of the rows updated to achieve read consistency.

In addition to that you can see “login_time” and “last_batch” of the session_id 37 was the oldest among all. If it is recent we can ignore but in my case it was two months back. Hence I could sense that there must my some transaction in Primary causing this.  Besides that the session_id 37 is < 50 which means it is a system session. Now let’s see how to find the culprit in primary. >>Continue Reading

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NetBackup SQL Database Restore


This article is in continuation of SQL Database Restore using Netbackup. If you have landed here directly then please read the above article first so that this article make sense to you.

In the below screen shot I have shown full and differential backup images. I am going to show you the steps for restore using full backup image.

For Scripting choose “Create a move template”. This will create a restore template (.bch file) and the Save radio button will get selected by itself.

NetBackup object wizard

Click on Restore.
Provide a meaningful filename for the .bch file.

NetBackup restore shwoing .bch file

Click on Save.
You’ll get a pop up message asking “Would you like to open it in notepad?”
Click on Yes.

NetBackup restore showing pop up message

In the below screen shot I have explained what all places you have to make the changes. This is very important and you have to pay attention:

Template/script showing different places to modify:
NetBacup restore showing places to change file names

Note: If you choose differential backup image to restore, the tool will automatically choose the base full database backup image. So in that case you have to make the same changes for all the data and log file locations.

And same goes with log file restore as well. Once you are done with all the changes save the file.
Now go to File > Manage Script Files:

NetBackup Restore showing Mange Script Files option

Select the created template. e.g. “DatabaseName_11072017” as shown in the below screen shot.
Click on Start.

It will ask for confirmation. Click on Yes.

NetBackup Restore confirmation message

Another self-explanatory message will pop up.
Clock on Ok.
NetBackup Restore step

It will take you back to the “Manage Script” wizard.
This is a bit confusing or rather a bug. Just click on Cancel.
NetBackup Restore tool bug

Your restore process should start and can be viewed the progress in File > View Status.

NetBackup Restore view status

Hope this is helpful. Please leave your comments below. Also let me know if you have any questions.
You may like the below articles as well:

Remove or Delete Tempdb data file without SQL Service restart

SSRS Encryption Key Backup Information

Use Windows Authentication with a different User in SSMS

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Create SSMS shortcuts for different Windows Users


In this article I am going to show how to create SSMS shortcuts for different Windows Users. This article is in continuation of Use Windows Authentication With a Different User in SSMS. If you haven’t read the parent article then please read that article first and then come back here.

In some cases you may have many Windows Authenticated logins for different SQL Instances and if you can create shortcuts for each, then it makes life a little easier.

Steps to Create shortcut for different Windows Authenticated Users:

First of all locate the path for ssms.exe. I have explained in the previous article how to quickly find the file location on your workstation.

e.g. The path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\ssms.exe

Go to your desktop (Windows Key+D). Right Click > New > Shortcut as shown below:

Create SSMS shortcuts for different Windows Users
Create New Shortcut

Put the runas command with the ssms.exe file loation:

In this example the command would be:

The runas command would be:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>runas /user:Domain\username "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\ssms.exe"

Create SSMS shortcuts for different Windows Users
Put the runas command

Type the name for the shortcut:

Create SSMS shortcuts for different Windows Users
Type Shortcut Name

You can create multiple shortcuts for different Windows logins. You can also use /savecred in the runas command so that you don’t have to enter the password each time you open SSMS.

The command would be as follows:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>runas /user:Domain\username /savecred "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\ssms.exe"

Hope this helps.
You may also like the below links:

Remove or Delete Tempdb data file without restarting SQL Server

User Defined Profiler Template Location

Myth about Remote Query Timeout Option

Facts about Dedicated Administrator Connection

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Use Windows Authentication With a Different User in SSMS

Today I am going to show how you can use Windows Authentication With a Different User. Yes, you heard it right, it is possible and it’s one of those Wow factors in SQL Server.
First of all let’s talk about why even someone would need to use the functionality.

Customer may login to their laptop with a different domain account than the account used to connect to SQL Server. This is because of security reasons.

Another situation is customer have different domain account to connect to different SQL Servers. In some organizations this is very common practice.

The below screen shots are of Window 1o and SQL Server 2017.

How to run SSMS as a different user

Create a shortcut of SSMS in taskbar.
Hold Shift Key and right click on the shortcut as shown below:

Windows Authentication With a Different User
Windows Authentication With a Different User
The next screen will need the credentials for the different user:
Windows Authentication With a Different User
Windows Authentication With a Different User

Once you click on Ok the login screen of SSMS will appear with the domain user grayed out just like the way we use windows authentication for normal account (the account used to login to the laptop\desktop).

Windows Authentication With a Different User
Windows Authentication With a Different User

You can open SSMS as a different user without creating a shortcut as well. You need to go to the path of ssms.exe and use the same method.  The file resides in Binn folder of SQL install directory.

Well, you do not have to remember the path. There is an easy way to locate the path as shown below.

Go to Window Search (Windows Key + S) and type SSMS. Right Click on the SSMS icon and choose Open file location.

Windows Authentication With Different User
Open SSMS file Location

This will open the SSMS location of Windows Start Menu as shown below. Again right click and open file location.

Windows Authentication With a Different
Open SSMS file location

This is Open the physical file location of ssms.exe as shown below:

Windows Authentication with Different User
Open SSMS file location

Once you reach here you can use the same method as described above to open SSMS using Windows Authentication with a Different User.

Do you have to do this every time you need to use a different windows authenticated user? Let’s see how we can create different shortcuts for different logins.  Continue Reading>>

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