How to Download OLE DB Provider for DB2

This article is about how to download OLE DB Provider for DB2. This is a Microsoft Data Provider which offers tools and technologies using which SQL Server can access DB2 Databases.

The requirement was just to install DB2 driver and so change time was kept minimal. But I had to spend more than an hour just to find the required file in Microsoft Site. So this five minutes read can save your lot of time.

You may give it a try to search it yourself before reading this article and will get you know why simple things are not always easy.

If you are in the middle of change like me and your search engine lands you here then you can directly go to the end of this article where I have provided direct links to download. Later you can come back and continue to read.

The following instructions are listed in Microsoft Document. This example shows the download of OLE DB Provider for DB2 Version 5.

To Install the Product:
  1. Go to the Microsoft Download Center.
  2. Download either the x86 (32-bit) or the x64 (64-bit) version of DB2OLEDB5_x64.msi installation program.
  3. Double-click the .msi file to start the Installation Wizard
  4. Click Next to get started.
  5. License Agreement page, review the license terms, click the I accept the terms in the license agreement option, and then click Next.
  6. Registration Information page, enter your Name and Company, and then click Next.
  7. Feature Selection page, optionally click Browse to change the Folder name in which to install the product, optionally click Disk Cost to space required to install the product, and then click Next.
  8. Ready to Install the Program page, click Install.
  9. When prompted by Windows User Account Control, click Yes.
  10. On the Installing page, view the status of the installation process.
  11. On the Completion page, click Finish.

Install looks like a cakewalk until you pass the very 1st step.

Once you go to Microsoft Download Center:

Download OLE DB Provider for DB2

Wow! Now what? Which option to choose or what should you search for?

Right here I wasted a lot of time. What you should search for is Feature Packs of SQL Server Version for which you want to install the OLE DB provider for DB2.

Download OLEDB Provider For DB2 Microsoft Download Center

Choose the link showing Feature Pack as shown below:

OLEDB Provider for DB2 Microsoft Download Center

You will get the download option as shown:

OLEDB Provider for DB2 Microsoft Download Center

Click on Download and you get the options of DB2OLEDB5_x64.msi file to choose from:

Download OLE DB Provider for DB2

Select the checkbox for DB2 and click on Next and the download process should start.

For SQL Server 2012 and prior versions you need to expand Install Instructions:

Download OLE DB Provider for DB2

Then search for DB2 keyword and you will get the option to download:

Download OLE DB2 Provider for DB2

Hope this is useful and please let me know by your valuable comments.

Direct links  to Download OLE DB provider for DB2:

SQL Server 2016 Feature Pack:

SQL Server 2014 Feature Pack:

SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack:

SQL Server 2008 R2 Feature Pack

You may also like below articles:
SQL Database Restore Using NetBackup
SSRS Encryption Key Backup Information
Myth around Remote Query Timeout Option
User Defined Profiler Template Location
Fact about Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC)

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SQL Database Restore using NetBackup

In this article I am going to explain how to perform Database restore using NetBackup tool. I was fortunate enough to learn from experienced people, otherwise it was difficult to follow the materials provided. In this post I have tried to explain the database restore process in detail.

Launching NetBackup Tool and connecting to SQL Instance:
  • Click on Start > All Programs > Symantec NetBackup > NetBackup Agents > Right Click on NetBackup MS SQL Client > Run as Administrator as shown in the following example:

Note: Run as Administrator is a very important step, otherwise the tool won’t connect to SQL Instance and throws ambiguous error messages.

Image showing lunching NetBackup using Run As Admin option

  • In the User Account Control Window click on Yes.

Image of User Account Control Wizard

  • In the NetBackup Database Extension Window click on Ok to select the connection properties.

Image of NetBackup Database Extension Wizard to choose the connection properties

Now let’s see the ways to connect default and named SQL instances through NetBackup tool.

To Connect Default Instance:
  • In the SQL Server Connection properties window put the host name.
  • For Instance field, leave it as default click on Apply and then Close.

Image showing connection properties for default instance

Note: You do not have to put any credentials for UserId field. Leave it as default. SQL Server version, Security and Host Type will be populated once it is connected as shown in the above screen shot.

To Connect Named SQL Instance:
  • If the SQL Instance name is HostName\SQLInstance, you need to put the host and Instance name as shown in the following screen shot.
  • Click on Apply and then close.

Image about NetBackup connection to Named Instance

Now you are connected to the target Instance. You can always verify if you are connected to the correct instance from File > Set SQL Server Connection properties.

Database Restore Steps using NetBackup:

Go to File > Restore SQL Server Objects

Image showing NetBackup Restore step

Provide the SQL Server Instance name from which backup has to be restored, i.e. Source SQL Server name.

Image showing NetBackup history

You can use time filter to view the backups in particular date range.

Note: Unlike native backup of SQL Server, NetBackup tool does not create any .bak files which can be copied from source to destination. The backup files/images are scattered on storage. This is the reason you have to provide Source and Destination Server name during the restore process.

Click on Ok to go the next wizard “Restore Microsoft SQL Server Objects” >>Continue Reading

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List of Users with db_owner Role in All Databases

Just after returning from Christmas holiday, I got a requirement to send a report having a list of users with db_owner role in all databases in SQL Server Instance. There was an internal audit going on and the auditor wanted that report.
I knew my dear friend “Internet” will help me get that report in lieu of few clicks. I really didn’t want to spend time on writing a whole new script as I was still in holiday mood.

Wait a sec! I think I already had something which I could modify a bit to get the work done. What I had was List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases

But the output is something which I cannot send a report since it shows blank rows for the databases on which the user does not have access to as shown below:
Image of query output showing some blank rows

So, I used a temporary table to get the result I wanted. In fact I have added the same in the above article as well upon realization of the problem.

There are two ways you can pull the same report.

  • Using Cursor to scan through all the databases.
  • Using the undocumented stored procedure sp_MSforeachdb.
Using Cursor to retrieve a List of users with db_owner role in all databases:
DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(50)   

CREATE TABLE #UserPermission
   ServerName SYSNAME,
   DbName SYSNAME,
   UserName SYSNAME,
   TypeOfLogIn VARCHAR(50),
   PermissionLevel VARCHAR(50),
   TypeOfRole VARCHAR(50)

FROM master.sys.databases
WHERE state_desc='online' 
OPEN db_cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  
SELECT @statement = 'use '+@dbname +';'+ 'SELECT

ServerName=@@servername, dbname=db_name(db_id()), as UserName, p.type_desc as TypeOfLogin, as PermissionLevel, pp.type_desc as TypeOfRole 
FROM sys.database_role_members roles
JOIN sys.database_principals p ON roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_id
JOIN sys.database_principals pp ON roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_id
where''db_owner'' and<>''dbo'''

INSERT INTO #UserPermission
EXEC sp_executesql @statement

FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  
CLOSE db_cursor  
DEALLOCATE db_cursor

SELECT * FROM #UserPermission

DROP TABLE #UserPermission
Sample output:

Image showing output of all users with db_owner role in all databases using cursor

Using sp_MSforeachdb to retrieve the same information:
CREATE TABLE #UserPermission
   ServerName SYSNAME,
   DbName SYSNAME,
   UserName SYSNAME,
   TypeOfLogIn VARCHAR(50),
   PermissionLevel VARCHAR(50),
   TypeOfRole VARCHAR(50)

INSERT #UserPermission
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb '

use [?]


  SELECT ServerName=@@servername, dbname=db_name(db_id()), as UserName, p.type_desc as TypeOfLogin, as PermissionLevel, pp.type_desc as TypeOfRole 
  FROM sys.database_role_members roles
  JOIN sys.database_principals p ON roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_id
  JOIN sys.database_principals pp ON roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_id
  where''db_owner'' and<>''dbo'' 


SELECT * FROM  #UserPermission

DROP TABLE #UserPermission
Sample output is same as above:
Image showing the sample out of sp_MSforeachdb
Query to Retrieve List of all users having db_owner role in Selective databases:

CREATE TABLE #UserPermission
ServerName SYSNAME,
TypeOfLogIn VARCHAR(50),
PermissionLevel VARCHAR(50),
TypeOfRole VARCHAR(50)

FROM master.sys.databases
WHERE name IN ('master','ReportServerSSRS','ReportServerSSRSTempDB') -- change the database names as applicable
AND state_desc='online'
OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname
SELECT @statement = 'use '+@dbname +';'+ 'SELECT
ServerName=@@servername, dbname=db_name(db_id()), as UserName, p.type_desc as TypeOfLogin, as PermissionLevel, pp.type_desc as TypeOfRole
FROM sys.database_role_members roles
JOIN sys.database_principals p ON roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_id
JOIN sys.database_principals pp ON roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_id
where''db_owner'' and<>''dbo'''

INSERT INTO #UserPermission
EXEC sp_executesql @statement

FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname
CLOSE db_cursor
DEALLOCATE db_cursor

SELECT * FROM #UserPermission

DROP TABLE #UserPermission
Sample output of selective databases:
Sample Output for selective databases
Using sp_MSforeachdb to list users with db_owner role only in user databases:
CREATE TABLE #UserPermission
   ServerName SYSNAME,
   DbName SYSNAME,
   UserName SYSNAME,
   TypeOfLogIn VARCHAR(50),
   PermissionLevel VARCHAR(50),
   TypeOfRole VARCHAR(50)

INSERT #UserPermission
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb '

use [?]

IF ''?'' <> ''master'' AND ''?'' <> ''model'' AND ''?'' <> ''msdb'' AND ''?'' <> ''tempdb''

  SELECT ServerName=@@servername, dbname=db_name(db_id()), as UserName, p.type_desc as TypeOfLogin, as PermissionLevel, pp.type_desc as TypeOfRole 
  FROM sys.database_role_members roles
  JOIN sys.database_principals p ON roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_id
  JOIN sys.database_principals pp ON roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_id
  where''db_owner'' and<>''dbo''   


SELECT * FROM  #UserPermission

DROP TABLE #UserPermission
Sample result set:

Image showing output of sp_MSforeach db for user databases

Hope this helps. If you have any suggestion please feel free to put in comments section.

You may also find the following scripts useful for your day to day life:
Script to find the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution
Script to retrieve database backup information
Script to get SQL Cluster Failover Time and Node Name
Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000

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SSRS Encryption Key Backup Information

Today I am going to discuss about an uncommon requirement and that is to find out SSRS Encryption Key backup information. In other words if there is any backup taken for the key and if yes then what is the location and backup date.

Now the question is very legitimate as they wanted to know if the reports can be restored in case situation demands. Not being a BI expert started my research from scratch.

Tried to query the “Keys” table in ReportServer database:

Image showing the keys table outputAs you can see no information about location of keys or at least last backup information.

A wild guess to check “backup_devices” view but no luck as expected:

Image showing output of backup_device view
Could not find any information in registry keys as well.
As per discussion with my colleague I installed SSRS on my personal laptop and then started a Process Monitor trace right before backing up the encryption key. During the process, a RSA machine key is created in C:\Users\ReportServer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\.

This was like the light at the end of the tunnel and decided to dig further to discover something which would make me feel like a champion 😉

The below screen shot shows the generated machine key and path:

Image showing the machine key path

Initiated Encryption Key backup and checked in the process monitor:

Image showing the key backup path in process monitorI could see that the path showing the key backup as shown in the above screen shot.

Next tried to search if any information regarding the machine key has been logged:

That is searching for the path C:\Users\ReportServer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\
Image of process monitor which does not have the Machine key creation information This “Cannot find string” message shattered my hope 🙁

To understand how the machine key got generated, I uninstalled SSRS and checked the same path and the key was still lying there. Did a reboot of the system but it was still there.
I manually deleted the key, reinstalled and configured SSRS and the key got created. So the machine key gets generated while configuring SSRS.
So my assumption:

Machine key gets generated while taking SSRS Encryption Key Backup was wrong.


I have checked with many experts in different forums and the most fruitful one was
What we can conclude from all these is as of now SQL Server does not record the information of SSRS encryption key backup path. It make sense because the .SNK file could be moved to another location manually.
But I expect Microsoft to at least record the information about the successful backup just the way they record database backup information.

Work Around:

The only work around is to have a company policy of some sort on where to backup these keys. Like you may want to suggest to have a policy/documentation to do the backup every x months on x path.
Or use default location for the backup of the instance there are some things you could do using the registry.
And then use PowerShell to find the LastWriteTime of the .SNK file.

Here I have explained every way I tried and failed to find the required information. Sometimes it is important to know what all ways does not work so that you can think in other direction.
Well if you find the solution please let me know and that is why I request you to share this with your friends/network using the below social share icons.

You may also like to know about:
Myth around Remote Query Timeout Option
Delete Tempdb data file without restarting SQL Server
Fact about Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC)

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Script to Find the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution

In initial days I had to scratch my head for a long time to find out the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution just to provide details to customer or to find out the job causing issues.
The below simple query will be helpful in the following situations:

  • Several agent jobs showing in “sp_who2 active” results set and you want to identify them.
  • You have identified the root blocker as a SQL Agent job and need the problem job name to notify Customer.
  • Customer requested to find out the status of a job in progress etc.
sp_who2 active output does not show the job name:

Image of Sp_who2 active output which does not show job name

The below simple query will help you find the information:
SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs WHERE job_id=CAST(<jobid> AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)

Considering the above example:

SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs WHERE job_id=CAST(0xD81B43320D3F2843B9A6A40CA120F14B AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)

Image of the query result showing job name

Let me know if it helps and any suggestions are always welcome.
You may also find the below scripts useful:
List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases
Script to retrieve database backup information
Script to get SQL Cluster Failover Time and Node Name
Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000

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List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases

Today I am gonna talk about the requirement of finding out all permissions for a user in all or selective databases.

The query here will help you in following situations:

  1. Customer has provided you with a user id and couple of database names and they wanted to find out all the permissions the user has on those databases.
  2. You have a task to provide access for a user id to some of the databases. You have provided the access and now want to pull the report to send to customer.
  3. You have been given a user id and asked to find out all permissions in all user databases.

This may not be exactly what you are looking for but certainly will give you some idea to make it your way.

Retrieve all permissions for a user in selective databases:

List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases
Link to Download the code:

Query for Selective Database(s) permissions

In this example I have listed the permissions for “Test_User” on databases “database1” and “database2″as shown the below screen shot:

Retrieve all permissions for a user in all user databases:

Permission for user

Download the code:

Query to copy the code

Here is an example output:

Please feel free to let me know if there is any better way you can think of to retrieve the same information.

Check out the below scripts as well:
Script to retrieve database backup information
Script to get SQL Cluster Failover Time and Node Name prior to Failover
Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000

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Script to retrieve database backup information

Backup script is something which is a very common need of a DBA in day to day life.This article will provide you with a base query to retrieve database backup information.

I am not able to give credit to anybody as I have seen lot of similar queries in the internet and so could not find the original writer.

Hmm! then what is the need of having another one in this blog? Well, I have experienced that sometimes a simple query suffice your need rather than a fancy one.

The below queries will help answering  the following questions:
  • Do you have recent database backups?
  • What type of backup is being taken for particular databases?
  • What is the backup size?
  • Who has taken the backup or which application login id is being used to take backup?
  • What is the Recovery model of the databases being backup up?
  • How long it took to backup?
Backup details of all the databases of all backup types:
SELECT server_name, database_name, 
   WHEN type='D' THEN 'Full Backup' 
   WHEN type='L' THEN 'Log Backup'
   WHEN type='I' THEN 'Diff Backup' 
END AS BackupType, 
backup_start_date, backup_finish_date, DATEDIFF(SS,  backup_start_date, backup_finish_date)/60 AS [Duration(Minutes)],
CAST(backup_size/1024/1024 AS NUMERIC(10,2)) AS 'BackupSize(MB)', user_name AS UserName  
FROM msdb..backupset 
ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC
The following screen shot is to show you an example output:

You can use this as a base and tweak it here and there as per your requirements. Few examples are given below.

Retrieve the same information for particular database(s) and for a particular type:
SELECT server_name, database_name, 
   WHEN type='D' THEN 'Full Backup' 
   WHEN type='L' THEN 'Log Backup'
   WHEN type='I' THEN 'Diff Backup' 
END AS BackupType, 
backup_start_date, backup_finish_date, DATEDIFF(SS,  backup_start_date, backup_finish_date)/60 AS [Duration(Minutes)],
CAST(backup_size/1024/1024 AS NUMERIC(10,2)) AS 'BackupSize(MB)', user_name AS UserName  FROM msdb..backupset
WHERE database_name IN ('master','model','msdb')
AND type='D' 
ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC
Include recovery model of the databases in the same output list:
SELECT b.server_name, b.database_name, 
   WHEN type='D' THEN 'Full Backup' 
   WHEN type='L' THEN 'Log Backup'
   WHEN type='I' THEN 'Diff Backup' 
END AS BackupType, 
d.recovery_model_desc AS RecoveryModel,
b.backup_start_date, b.backup_finish_date, DATEDIFF(SS,  b.backup_start_date, b.backup_finish_date)/60 AS [Duration(Minutes)],
CAST(b.backup_size/1024/1024 AS NUMERIC(10,2)) AS 'BackupSize(MB)', b.user_name AS UserName  FROM msdb..backupset b
JOIN sys.databases d
ON b.database_name =
WHERE database_name IN ('master','model','msdb')
AND type='D' 
ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC

Please let me know if it helps by leaving your comments below.

Further more you can go through the below link for some addition scripts:

You might also want to look at the below scripts:
Script to get Cluster Failover Time and Node Name
Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000

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User Defined Profiler Template Location

First of all let me explain you why you need to know the user defined profiler template location.

In situations you may need to define a template and share it with other DBAs to run or vice versa. You have saved the profiler and request the other person to run by providing the name of the profiler. The other person called you (when you are not in shift) since he/she is not able to find the profiler you created, but that is hard for you to believe as you are quite sure you did it right.

Once you go through this article you will get to know:

  1. How to create a user defined template?
  2. Why others are not able to see the template?
  3. How to resolve this?

You can watch the following video demo which shows the stuffs I am going to explain here:

1. How to create a user defined template?

Launch SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and open SQL Server profiler:

Open a new Template:

Provide a template name and choose a base template from the drop down menu. In the below example I have chosen Standard (default) template. Then click on Events Selection tab.

In the above example I have not selected the check box for “Use as a default template for selected server type”. You can choose this option if you want your template to be default template.

Choose the Events as per your requirement. Click on “Show all events” and “Show all columns” to view all the events and columns to choose from. Then click on “Column Filters” to put filter for the trace.

In the below example I have put a filter for database id since I wanted to capture the transactions only for one database. The filter may differ for your requirement.

Once you are done with the filter selection click on OK and then Save the template.
Now if you go back and check the drop down list of templates you will find your custom template.
Go to File > New Trace and then connect to any SQL Instance

The following screen shot shows the newly created template “Demo Template (user)” in the drop down list.

2. Why others can’t see this template under the same drop down?

Here is the physical location of the user defined template file:

C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SQL Profiler\11.0\Templates\Microsoft SQL Server\110

The main point to note here is the template gets created under the user profile folder of the login id, used to login to the server and that is why it is not visible to others.
AppData is a hidden folder and 11.0 and 110 will change depending upon the SQL Server version.

3. How to resolve this?

Let’s see the location of SQL Server Provided profiler templates.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Profiler\Templates\Microsoft SQL Server\110

You guessed it right! You just need to copy the user defined template from
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SQL Profiler\11.0\Templates\Microsoft SQL Server\110
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Profiler\Templates\Microsoft SQL Server\110

Hope you enjoyed this article and feel free to share if you think it is helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions on this.

You might also want to check Myth around Remote Query Timeout Option

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Script to get SQL Cluster Failover Time and Node Name

A DBA’s life becomes easier if there is a script to get the required information. This article is about a script to get SQL Cluster Failover time and Node Name prior to failover and little more.

You can go through the following link to know what and how to check the same information in SQL Server Error log. I have also explained what all other related information can be found. The output of the below query will make more sense if you read the article first.

SQL Cluster Instance Failover Time and Node Name prior to Failover

After writing the above article I thought of working on the script to scan through all the error log files. This way I can find not only the latest SQL Cluster failover time and Node name but also history of failover information. This may help in situations where you are facing frequent failover issues or you need a failover history report.

   LogDate DATETIME,
   ErrorSource NVARCHAR(MAX),
   ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(MAX)

   LogFileSize bigint

INSERT INTO #NumberOfLogs(ID,LogDate,LogFileSize)
EXEC master.dbo.xp_enumerrorlogs


   FROM #NumberOfLogs

OPEN cNumberOfLogs
       INSERT INTO #ErrorLog(LogDate,ErrorSource,ErrorMessage)
       EXEC sp_readerrorlog @ErrorLogID, 1, 'NETBIOS'
       INSERT INTO #ErrorLog(LogDate,ErrorSource,ErrorMessage)
       EXEC sp_readerrorlog @ErrorLogID, 1, 'SQL Server is terminating'
       FETCH NEXT FROM cNumberOfLogs INTO @ErrorLogID
CLOSE cNumberOfLogs

SELECT LogDate, ErrorMessage FROM #ErrorLog

DROP TABLE #NumberOfLogs
The below screen shot shows a sample result set:

If this is helpful, please let me know by leaving your comments below. I would love to hear from you if you have any better way to get the same information.

You may also like to check the  Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000.

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SQL Cluster Instance Failover Time and Node Name prior to Failover

You may have come across situations where SQL Server cluster instance has failed over from one node to other and you were asked to find the SQL Cluster Instance failover time and node name prior to failover.

Who can ask this question? Your approver, manager or colleague anyone can ask you for different reasons, to know since when the instance is running on wrong/passive node, what alert system you have and it worked properly or not etc.

Whatever may be the reason, you want to find it quickly. In this article I am going to explain how to find the required information from SQL error log.

You need to search for the messages containing the text NETBIOS in the error log files.

Launch SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) and start with the first error log to view as shown below:

Click on Filter and type in “netbios” against the field “Message Contains Text”. Mark the check box for Apply filter and click on OK as shown below. The message you are searching for, can be typed in Capital/Lower case.

Start checking each error logs until you find the required information as shown in the following screen shot.

The Message is like:

“The NETBIOS name of the local node that is running the server is ‘NodeName’. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.”

The message provides the information about the current Node, hosting the SQL Server Instance and the time it came up on the Node. Hence you need to keep checking the prior error logs which will show a different Node name and time in case it failed over from other node.

In the above example it shows the particular SQL Instance was running on Node “N02” prior to the failover.

The following information you can find using the NETBIOS filter:
  1. What is the current node? (N01)
  2. Is failover happened? Yes, as it shows a different node (N02) in prior error log file.
  3. Which node it was running prior to failover?(N02)
  4. What time failover started (Between 9/9/2017 11:28:10 PM the instance was on N02 and 9/9/2017 11:47:07 PM the instance started on No1. Check the error log around the time removing the filter and you will be able to find the exact time as shown in the below screen shot.)

You can also find what time SQL Instance came online/ what is the last SQL restart time. Of course you can find it from tempdb creation time? (Date 9/9/2017 11:47:07 PM the instance started on No1).

Hope this helps and I would like to hear from you if you have any other ways to find the same information quickly.

You may also want to check the following articles:
Myth around Remote Query Timeout Option
All Logins got disabled due to trigger execution

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