Month: December 2017

List of Users with db_owner Role in All Databases

Just after returning from Christmas holiday, I got a requirement to send a report having a list of users with db_owner role in all databases in SQL Server Instance. There was an internal audit going on and the auditor wanted that report.
I knew my dear friend “Internet” will help me get that report in lieu of few clicks. I really didn’t want to spend time on writing a whole new script as I was still in holiday mood.

Wait a sec! I think I already had something which I could modify a bit to get the work done. What I had was List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases

But the output is something which I cannot send a report since it shows blank rows for the databases on which the user does not have access to as shown below:
Image of query output showing some blank rows

So, I used a temporary table to get the result I wanted. In fact I have added the same in the above article as well upon realization of the problem.

There are two ways you can pull the same report.

  • Using Cursor to scan through all the databases.
  • Using the undocumented stored procedure sp_MSforeachdb.
Using Cursor to retrieve a List of users with db_owner role in all databases:
DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(50)   

CREATE TABLE #UserPermission
   ServerName SYSNAME,
   DbName SYSNAME,
   UserName SYSNAME,
   TypeOfLogIn VARCHAR(50),
   PermissionLevel VARCHAR(50),
   TypeOfRole VARCHAR(50)

FROM master.sys.databases
WHERE state_desc='online' 
OPEN db_cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  
SELECT @statement = 'use '+@dbname +';'+ 'SELECT

ServerName=@@servername, dbname=db_name(db_id()), as UserName, p.type_desc as TypeOfLogin, as PermissionLevel, pp.type_desc as TypeOfRole 
FROM sys.database_role_members roles
JOIN sys.database_principals p ON roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_id
JOIN sys.database_principals pp ON roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_id
where''db_owner'' and<>''dbo'''

INSERT INTO #UserPermission
EXEC sp_executesql @statement

FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  
CLOSE db_cursor  
DEALLOCATE db_cursor

SELECT * FROM #UserPermission

DROP TABLE #UserPermission
Sample output:

Image showing output of all users with db_owner role in all databases using cursor

Using sp_MSforeachdb to retrieve the same information:
CREATE TABLE #UserPermission
   ServerName SYSNAME,
   DbName SYSNAME,
   UserName SYSNAME,
   TypeOfLogIn VARCHAR(50),
   PermissionLevel VARCHAR(50),
   TypeOfRole VARCHAR(50)

INSERT #UserPermission
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb '

use [?]


  SELECT ServerName=@@servername, dbname=db_name(db_id()), as UserName, p.type_desc as TypeOfLogin, as PermissionLevel, pp.type_desc as TypeOfRole 
  FROM sys.database_role_members roles
  JOIN sys.database_principals p ON roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_id
  JOIN sys.database_principals pp ON roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_id
  where''db_owner'' and<>''dbo'' 


SELECT * FROM  #UserPermission

DROP TABLE #UserPermission
Sample output is same as above:
Image showing the sample out of sp_MSforeachdb
Query to Retrieve List of all users having db_owner role in Selective databases:

CREATE TABLE #UserPermission
ServerName SYSNAME,
TypeOfLogIn VARCHAR(50),
PermissionLevel VARCHAR(50),
TypeOfRole VARCHAR(50)

FROM master.sys.databases
WHERE name IN ('master','ReportServerSSRS','ReportServerSSRSTempDB') -- change the database names as applicable
AND state_desc='online'
OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname
SELECT @statement = 'use '+@dbname +';'+ 'SELECT
ServerName=@@servername, dbname=db_name(db_id()), as UserName, p.type_desc as TypeOfLogin, as PermissionLevel, pp.type_desc as TypeOfRole
FROM sys.database_role_members roles
JOIN sys.database_principals p ON roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_id
JOIN sys.database_principals pp ON roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_id
where''db_owner'' and<>''dbo'''

INSERT INTO #UserPermission
EXEC sp_executesql @statement

FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname
CLOSE db_cursor
DEALLOCATE db_cursor

SELECT * FROM #UserPermission

DROP TABLE #UserPermission
Sample output of selective databases:
Sample Output for selective databases
Using sp_MSforeachdb to list users with db_owner role only in user databases:
CREATE TABLE #UserPermission
   ServerName SYSNAME,
   DbName SYSNAME,
   UserName SYSNAME,
   TypeOfLogIn VARCHAR(50),
   PermissionLevel VARCHAR(50),
   TypeOfRole VARCHAR(50)

INSERT #UserPermission
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb '

use [?]

IF ''?'' <> ''master'' AND ''?'' <> ''model'' AND ''?'' <> ''msdb'' AND ''?'' <> ''tempdb''

  SELECT ServerName=@@servername, dbname=db_name(db_id()), as UserName, p.type_desc as TypeOfLogin, as PermissionLevel, pp.type_desc as TypeOfRole 
  FROM sys.database_role_members roles
  JOIN sys.database_principals p ON roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_id
  JOIN sys.database_principals pp ON roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_id
  where''db_owner'' and<>''dbo''   


SELECT * FROM  #UserPermission

DROP TABLE #UserPermission
Sample result set:

Image showing output of sp_MSforeach db for user databases

Hope this helps. If you have any suggestion please feel free to put in comments section.

You may also find the following scripts useful for your day to day life:
Script to find the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution
Script to retrieve database backup information
Script to get SQL Cluster Failover Time and Node Name
Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000


SSRS Encryption Key Backup Information

Today I am going to discuss about an uncommon requirement and that is to find out SSRS Encryption Key backup information. In other words if there is any backup taken for the key and if yes then what is the location and backup date.

Now the question is very legitimate as they wanted to know if the reports can be restored in case situation demands. Not being a BI expert started my research from scratch.

Tried to query the “Keys” table in ReportServer database:

Image showing the keys table outputAs you can see no information about location of keys or at least last backup information.

A wild guess to check “backup_devices” view but no luck as expected:

Image showing output of backup_device view
Could not find any information in registry keys as well.
As per discussion with my colleague I installed SSRS on my personal laptop and then started a Process Monitor trace right before backing up the encryption key. During the process, a RSA machine key is created in C:\Users\ReportServer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\.

This was like the light at the end of the tunnel and decided to dig further to discover something which would make me feel like a champion 😉

The below screen shot shows the generated machine key and path:

Image showing the machine key path

Initiated Encryption Key backup and checked in the process monitor:

Image showing the key backup path in process monitorI could see that the path showing the key backup as shown in the above screen shot.

Next tried to search if any information regarding the machine key has been logged:

That is searching for the path C:\Users\ReportServer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\
Image of process monitor which does not have the Machine key creation information This “Cannot find string” message shattered my hope 🙁

To understand how the machine key got generated, I uninstalled SSRS and checked the same path and the key was still lying there. Did a reboot of the system but it was still there.
I manually deleted the key, reinstalled and configured SSRS and the key got created. So the machine key gets generated while configuring SSRS.
So my assumption:

Machine key gets generated while taking SSRS Encryption Key Backup was wrong.


I have checked with many experts in different forums and the most fruitful one was
What we can conclude from all these is as of now SQL Server does not record the information of SSRS encryption key backup path. It make sense because the .SNK file could be moved to another location manually.
But I expect Microsoft to at least record the information about the successful backup just the way they record database backup information.

Work Around:

The only work around is to have a company policy of some sort on where to backup these keys. Like you may want to suggest to have a policy/documentation to do the backup every x months on x path.
Or use default location for the backup of the instance there are some things you could do using the registry.
And then use PowerShell to find the LastWriteTime of the .SNK file.

Here I have explained every way I tried and failed to find the required information. Sometimes it is important to know what all ways does not work so that you can think in other direction.
Well if you find the solution please let me know and that is why I request you to share this with your friends/network using the below social share icons.

You may also like to know about:
Myth around Remote Query Timeout Option
Delete Tempdb data file without restarting SQL Server
Fact about Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC)

{ 1 Comment }

Script to Find the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution

In initial days I had to scratch my head for a long time to find out the SQL Agent Job Name in Execution just to provide details to customer or to find out the job causing issues.
The below simple query will be helpful in the following situations:

  • Several agent jobs showing in “sp_who2 active” results set and you want to identify them.
  • You have identified the root blocker as a SQL Agent job and need the problem job name to notify Customer.
  • Customer requested to find out the status of a job in progress etc.
sp_who2 active output does not show the job name:

Image of Sp_who2 active output which does not show job name

The below simple query will help you find the information:
SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs WHERE job_id=CAST(<jobid> AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)

Considering the above example:

SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs WHERE job_id=CAST(0xD81B43320D3F2843B9A6A40CA120F14B AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)

Image of the query result showing job name

Let me know if it helps and any suggestions are always welcome.
You may also find the below scripts useful:
List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases
Script to retrieve database backup information
Script to get SQL Cluster Failover Time and Node Name
Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000


List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases

Today I am gonna talk about the requirement of finding out all permissions for a user in all or selective databases.

The query here will help you in following situations:

  1. Customer has provided you with a user id and couple of database names and they wanted to find out all the permissions the user has on those databases.
  2. You have a task to provide access for a user id to some of the databases. You have provided the access and now want to pull the report to send to customer.
  3. You have been given a user id and asked to find out all permissions in all user databases.

This may not be exactly what you are looking for but certainly will give you some idea to make it your way.

Retrieve all permissions for a user in selective databases:

List all permissions for a user in all or selective databases
Link to Download the code:

Query for Selective Database(s) permissions

In this example I have listed the permissions for “Test_User” on databases “database1” and “database2″as shown the below screen shot:

Retrieve all permissions for a user in all user databases:

Permission for user

Download the code:

Query to copy the code

Here is an example output:

Please feel free to let me know if there is any better way you can think of to retrieve the same information.

Check out the below scripts as well:
Script to retrieve database backup information
Script to get SQL Cluster Failover Time and Node Name prior to Failover
Script to List All Users with db_owner role in SQL 2000